FastDay User Blogs

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- July 2013

4th fast day.
18 Jul 2013, 14:04

Second fast.
11 Jul 2013, 13:23

First fast day
08 Jul 2013, 09:32

Second fast.

by SlimBex on 11 Jul 2013, 13:23

I think I'm getting the hang of things now, 2:13 and I've eaten a boiled egg, slice of toast and tea, plus plenty of water. Ive started using MyFitnessPal instead of calorie count so I've come in at 280 so far today, I will probably have soup later on this evening.

Yesterday I had only eaten 650 calls by dinner time but was concerned when the app said I might go in to starvation mode? So I topped up with a couple :wink: of glasses of wine.

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