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A purchaser with too much time on her hands

And so it begins

by Aina on 20 Jul 2013, 20:50

Take away one symptom and another takes over its place. I have bad tension migraine and stiff shoulder and neck for years. I have worked hard on it and to tackle it. I exercise and eat well. I get messages when I feel like I need it. With the latest craziness, I should be a walking stiff wall with permenant headache on a verge of my third bout of severe depression. Nope I was not. I was fine emotionally, my messuer said my back was good, she expected worst after listening to my latest life challenge.

Then something was telling me, check your blood pressure. I of course listen to it, and wham I was hit it an extremely high number. After checking the batteries and doing several checks in a day, I kept getting high number, and hubby checked his. It was his machine and has high blood pressure that is medicated and he came back with ok numbers for him.

I called my doctor's office and of course he is on Vacation. This is Norway, everyone is free especially when you have kids. The schools and nurseries are all closed in July. I got an appointment with my old GP who put me on medication and gave me a week's medical leave to which I will not mention on my follow up next week as he will extend it and since its on my annual leave, the leave will be pushed to another date. I am not a workaholic but work destress me!! I rather face useless suppliers who cant think for themselves or stay on the promised dateline then stay at home.

So what do I do now? I already am eating well, exercise some and is not really into salt! I read up of course and look at how I can tweak my intake (looks like it has to be low carbs for me. I dont mind losing pasta and bread but rice is my life line)

I told my husband that the doctor just signed my divorce/restraining order from his family. So that part is done. For those of you who say ignore them its hard when minding your own business you get nasty sms about things that you never said. Crazy people. These people are much older with me to the point where they can be my parents. Not all gets wisdom with age. So this little girl is going to make a large boundary around her to which they are not allowed to come into.

Then there is the fast. How do I fast with all this craziness going around me? I improvise until I can get back into groove. I either do a Brad Pilon or I do 16:8 depending on the days plan. I keep to low carbs as much as possible. I already had my carb fest today so tomorrow its back to lots of vegetables and shirataki noodles for me.

On the exercise front, I will do more hard core and strength training once the heat is no longer making me into a mess. I have so gotten used to the coldness of Norway that what is considered to be freezing temprature for a Singaporean is a heatwave for me.

I will meditate more, listen to music that makes me feel good ( I am so in love with Hurts!!!) and walk longer and release what ever tension that my veins are holding on too. I do not take it as a death sentence but as a learning journey in the wonderfully challenging life that I am blessed to be given.

Which reminds me, I so need to make egg tofu a wonderfully yummy food that is low carb. I make it from scratch if you people wonder, even my own soya milk.

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