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- June 2013

27 Jun 2013, 10:35

I'm in.....
13 Jun 2013, 11:06

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The Verdict Is In...

by Bee on 27 Mar 2013, 10:14

So, after a few weeks of experimenting I have probably lost about, well maybe quarter of a lb but that's fine coz now I know what my short/long term plan is.

Short term: Starting today, keep a rough cal guide of what I've eaten on non fast days, keeping to about 1800 a day for the next month. At the end of that time my brain should know what "normal" is :oops:

Long term: Carb meal night before fast, no breakfast, tea with s/milk and water till evening meal of 500 and regular 2 fast days a week.

Time as they say will tell :clover:

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