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- July 2014

Blinking 'eck!
04 Jul 2014, 19:22

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Fourth fast day

by Karenm on 27 Sep 2013, 17:47

This is the end of my second week. It was a more normal week than last, so hopefully I won't be disappointed with what the scales read in the morning. I can't have scales in the house so we pop down to boots to get weighed. This means I tend not to eat or drink until afterwards, which is a bit of a pain, as I wake up thirsty. I am very focused on what the numbers are, and am desparate to lose 2lb this week. Fingers crossed, I will reach this tomorrow.
I have only eaten dinner today and I had
Sainsburys tadka daal 298 kcal
Sainsburys sweet potato and onion bhaji x 2 130 kcal
Cauliflower rice 200g 50 kcal
I felt full as soon as I ate and hopefully that full feeling will last til bed time x :clover:

It's catching and it's free!
Buddied with @pinchypops and @justdee - three fast ladies
March Equinox challenger #5
Pledge to lose 7lb

9/1 - 13st 2lb
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