FastDay User Blogs

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- February 2014

8th fast
14 Feb 2014, 10:15

One week later
11 Feb 2014, 08:42

Little by little
04 Feb 2014, 06:18

Doing well...
03 Feb 2014, 14:13

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The Family

by juliusi on 29 Mar 2013, 06:12

Ok my 5th fast has gone ok. Despite not having had anything since lunch on Wednesday, because of some stomach bug that made me sick, I went through my 5th fast yesterday just eating around 700 cals in total. Today I weighted myself as usual and the weight dropped incredibly to an 76.5Kg, which is 2.9kg less than when I started. Today is my last day of the first 2 weeks on 5:2 and even if I will gain somehting I am pretty happy so far. Fast days are going always better and I am getting used to them, even if hunger or better the thought of eating something is always there, but then I just need to think that is it just few hours away to a normal eating day and that makes me going again. Have noticed that as soon as I am a bit hungry or think about food I just need to involve myself in something (no, not reading the forum, incredibly it makes me hungrier :starving: ) and another hour passes and so the day too. This morning I feel very hungry, but it is only 7am and I don't want to start eating immediately, even if I know that very soon I am going to have my usual healty breakfast that will help me get thorugh half the morning, then it will be time to leave.
Oh yes today I will travel to my parents house where I will meet with "The Family" and have a typical italian Easter feast. My parents live 3 hours away, but I have a brother in Sicily and a sister and niece in Dublin, so these next 3/4 days will be a wonderfull gathering, that happens, unfortunately, only a couple of times a year. Apart of the beauty of meeting my brothers, Easter means mama's cooking, choccolate and the typical Easter cake (la colomba, that is a panettone for those who know, but has the shape of a dove) so lots of calories which I know I can't resist. The only defense I can try to set up is through some running (easy to do) and common sense (very hard to find. It seems that it goes on Easter holiday too). I probably won't be able to fast on Monday so next week I will have my 2 fasting days on Tuesday and Friday and hopefully in one week time when I will be here again writing I don't have to say that I am at point zero. Wish everybody a great fasting and non fasting friday. J

We have not inherited the world from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.
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