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- April 2013

13 Apr 2013, 18:09

+ March 2013

3 months...

by BBT053 on 31 Mar 2013, 19:37

Well, I decided after my nasty BP reading to start this diet on Dec 31. Had been experimenting and reading about IF, after seeing the Horizon programme but with moving house and all the building work prior, not been able to concentrate properly.

Now 3 months in, very happy I did this. Did ADF to take any element of choice away and to eat more basically. Had a bit of a slow start until OH pointed out a pound = 3600 cals and I was only really restricting that amount of cals a week, so it was going to be slow.

Lost a pound every week since except for last week, which was fine as lost 2 the week before. I've taken up more exercise and generally feel very well. I did have headaches to start with but sorting out my general diet has meant I have to think now if it is a fast day. The first month and weirdly week 10 were hard but otherwise this is so much easier for me than daily calorie restriction as I do love my food and cooking, both in volume! :grin:

In-laws are visiting this week, let's see if I can stay on the wagon. :wink:

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