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Raw Karen's Blog

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One Hundred Days Later.......

by rawkaren on 29 Nov 2013, 08:47

Day 101, Fast 33 today. A third of this WOE fasting.....and one hundred days completed. Not a bad batting average overall in three months. Over that time I have tried this WOE every which way (5:2, 4:3, 6:1, 16:8, ADF, 24 hour zero fast, 36 hr liquid fast). I don't have a favourite, what I do is select a way that suits my mood and lifestyle at the time. It's time to record what I have learned as I feel I need a good kick in the butt for the next phase:

I started this for health reasons. I won't know the full results of that until I have my medical next week. However my BP is back in the normal range and my BMI is now healthy rather than overweight. :grin:

The different ways of fasting are a good set of tools to have depending on what is going on in your life. It keeps it fresh and novel to keep mixing it up. :grin:

For me at 51, I do have to monitor my TDEE calories as well on non fast days. I know for example this week, I will not have created enough of a deficit to have lost any weight as I have over-eaten twice and one of those days, quite considerably. So I believe only a very few people can get away with being totally relaxed on non fast days and if you are serious about weight loss, you should monitor. :frown:

I have lost 11.6lbs in three months and over three inches off my waist as well as 3% of body fat. Sometimes I think that is great and then sometimes the fact that it's going to be February before I shift the next 10lb's and get to my interim goal is a bit of a depressing thought. But then I suppose by February I might think differently :grin:

I'm back in love with food again. :grin: I'm a pretty decent cook and I really enjoy my time in the kitchen, but I had shunned cooking for years for weight reasons. At least once a week I'm in the kitchen doing something interesting, despite the fact that I'm spending far less money on food. However I do buy better quality ingredients eg grass fed beef and butter, almond flour, coconut flour and oil and I'm still better off. :geek:

My carbs are not that high, (between 100g and 150g per day) but having revisited the low carb (below 50g) way of eating to support fasting, I don't think it's for me. I don't like the low energy, not able to work out properly feeling, nor the constipation that goes with it. :frown:

I do love paleo eating. :grin: Cutting right back on grains makes me feel so much better. When I have eaten grains, it has sucked the life out of me for a few days and has affected my mood. Even rice feels heavy these days. I have decided though that I'm not going to be freaky over it. If there is some nice sourdough around, then I'm going to eat it! Paleo's shun dairy too. I do eat grass fed butter and occasionally cream. Cheese is a very rare treat as it makes me feel absolutely dreadful afterward even though I love it and my digestive nightmare is cheese and crackers/bread. :cry: I have always eaten masses of veggies and this has continued. :grin:

This makes my 'ideal' diet primal friendly. Fish, organic (preferably grass fed) meats, nuts lots of veggies (preferably raw) and some fruit and plenty of fat. I also really really enjoy it. :cool:

Giving up sugar (when I started this WOE) has been the best thing I have done. There are no cravings and I doubt I would have come so far if I had kept it in my diet. I have reduced my fruit consumption and ditched the high fruit smoothies, but I still eat sweet fruits from time to time, but in moderation. :geek: :grin:

Coconut oil and butter have been lifesavers on this WOE. I have bulletproof coffee most days. My skin is great (even my feet!), and it's a good way of getting energy in order to work out. When out and about, dropping into Cafe Nero for an expresso with whipped cream is another way of getting a boost and it feels like a treat. :lol:

I have not been able to give up alcohol. I have mixed views on this. On the one hand, it's nice to be able to enjoy a glass of wine and not feel guilty about it. On the other, I sometimes feel I actually drink more in one sitting (and then that can trigger the munchies). i think this might be my next 'project'. :bugeyes:

I didn't exercise to start with yet I have exercised all of my life. So I picked it up again about 6 weeks ago and I'm doing well so far. It has not helped with my weight loss whatsoever, but I do feel better and my bodyfat is reducing. Now I have bought my Jawbone UP, I'm now working on increasing my daily step count too. :grin:

Weighing is a game. I have always hated it because I used to be in denial about the reading. I started weighing monthly, then went to weekly. I tried daily weighing for a week because of the research about results of daily weighers. Totally and utterly depressing and futile to watch the same pounds come and go over and over. It dictated my mood for the day. :cry: Life is too short to get upset over a few ounces. I feel better weighing weekly. That is plenty enough for me. I do see the attraction though of daily weighing as a maintainer, so I might revisit it when I get to my goal. :?:

I fell off the fasting wagon this week for the first time and had two failed fasts. Neither of these were for hunger or social reasons, purely emotional as I have alot on my mind right now and I just need to work through it. Having said that I did fast yesterday for the first time this week and I'm fasting today too. So my first back to back fast in a hundred days. I also didn't train yesterday so I'm doing double duty in the gym which will be interesting. I'm thinking I'm not going to weigh myself tomorrow as I feel sure I will not have lost any weight. I might have even gained, so I might wait until 1 December when Juliana does her 'stocktake', and that works for me too. :bugeyes:

Yesterday's calories were 486:
Carbs 12% (14g)
Fat 55% (29g)
Protein 33% (39g)

Breakfast was a bulletproof coffee. Lunch was zero pasta, prawns and a spicy tomato sauce. Snacks were a marigold bouillon and 100g of low fat greek yogurt. I have no calorie count for the previous day as despite me fasting all day, I blew it again in the evening.

Right I feel I have given myself enough of a talking to to pick myself up and press on. I have more :grin: than :frown:, so that must mean it's worth it!! :cool: :cool: :cool:
Last edited by rawkaren on 29 Nov 2013, 15:17, edited 6 times in total.

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11 Comments   Viewed 156433 times


Since you didn't write a blog entry for your 100th day, I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you on your feat of following this WOE for over 100 days, and I'm sure that the next 100 days will bring plenty of more pleasant surprise.

We all have our ups and downs in life and so despite your recent struggles, I'm sure that you will come through them. You have also been a great help for me on this forum (along with others) whenever I have had my own difficulties with this WOE and for that, I am extremely grateful.
Thank you John. I don't think I could have done this without the forum, you and others to support one another in the quest for better health. Well done us!
Hi Karen my Scorpy cousin....yet again you inspire me !
You have done so much better than i have with your 100 days
All ive done is fast and calorie count and have lost a significant amount of weight only because i have plenty to lose
Youve given me such a good example here of how i can step things up for my next 100 days and how i can improve things further e.g., cut down the carbs..keep moving more..try 36 hr liquid fasting..
So glad youve had more :smile: than :cry: you deserve to! xx
Good luck with your medical,which is bound to show great consequences of all your hard work

I agree it can be a bit daunting looking ahead to our next 100 days and for me right now its also a bit dismaying..because for those like us who need to cal count every day,it IS quite a challenge coz we dont really have the luxury of fully enjoying feed days as much we might like to!.
I guess the best way to tackle it is to take it a day at a time,put ourselves in the repair shop twice a week at least,and keep touching base with the forum and all our pals there ..
We can do this! :victory: Team 5:2! :clover: :like: xxx
And not forgetting Team 6:1 as well (or 4:3 or whatever form of IF you are taking just now)!!
That's better @Candicemarie. You are only three pounds away from completing 25 percent of your challenge. I would say that is pretty good going in three months. This time next year, we will be celebrating your new found body, and @johncs2013and I will be nicely maintaining. Hopefully I will have cracked this WOE by then and I certainly will be sticking around to make sure we all get there.
Hope you continue to be on the mend. You are such a massive support to everyone here, and you really do brighten the forum. :heart: :heart:
Hi Karen,
great blog post. really enjoyed reading it and think you deserve an honorary PhD for your dedication into trialling different ways of fasting! Seriously, you have done fantastically well, 3" off your waist is no mean achievement and I'm sure your medical will give you a further boost to carry on with which ever regime you find suits you best.
I too have reduced some white carbs but couldn't go completely low carb as I love my fruit (and bread!) too much. Reading a Paleo book at the moment but don't think that's for me either as I love cheese, yogurt and other dairy products .
Anyway, just wanted to say well done on reaching your century and keep going! xx
Thanks @callyanna Carol. I have lost half a pound this week another half inch off my waist and .8% bodyfat. I'm really surprised (and thrilled). Glad you enjoyed the post. I'm in the middle of making some low carb Christmas morning muffins. I hope they work because I can't wait to do the taste test :cool: :cool:
This is a great post and I need to think about it, then come back and read it again. I'm sure there is more that can be gleaned from a second look. Thanks for sharing your insights and well done on your progress. I look forward to hearing how your doctor visit goes. I'm sure the doc will be impressed with your progress too.
johncs2013 wrote: And not forgetting Team 6:1 as well (or 4:3 or whatever form of IF you are taking just now)!!

Yep good point John ...Team IF then ! :like: :clover: :heart:
Always love reading your in depth analysis Karen. I believe that you will reach your goal, and I Also love a good glass or two of wine, I am not as disciplined as you with regards to carbs etc . But I do now have butter and full fat yoghurt in my fridge, which my kids tuck into before I can get my hands on them.
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