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Raw Karen's Blog

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Day 106

by rawkaren on 04 Dec 2013, 07:31

So I'm now a UK size 10 (US 6), a healthy BMI, a 26.5 inch waist, but I was told yesterday that I should ideally shed another 12lbs to get me into 'an ideal' weight zone. I kind of knew that, but it does not feel very good to be told it by a medic.

Yesterday was my annual physical. I don't have the data yet to give you all of the details, but basically everything is going the right way.

Actually I was last reviewed 18 months ago when my weight was quite a bit less than it is now. Thank goodness I was not reviewed six months ago is all I can say.

Here are the headlines:

Weight 134lb's (1 pound less than I had thought)
Body Fat - 33%. Yuk. My calculation is 31%. Ideal range is 23 to 30% so major work to do here.
BP is excellent.
ECG normal. I told them about my palpitations (even though they have not been too bad this week). They recommended to ask my GP for a mobile monitor if they come back but structurally everything was fine according to the ECG.
Lung capacity of a 30 something - whoop whoop! Not bad at all given I had pleurisy last winter.
HDL and LDL both high same as before, although LDL is lower this time. The last ratio was 2.9 (total to HDL), and I can't be sure until I get the numbers back, but I think this ratio may have improved. I did get the lecture again about my LDL, but with an HDL of more than 2, I don't think I should be too worried (if I had read the info on this site properly). Tryglicerides low. Again I can't remember the number but I think it might have been 0.8. I will post the numbers on the cholesterol thread when I get them.
Thyroid - don't know yet as the test gets sent away.

Don't know my fasting glucose yet but I was told my risk of diabetes was low. The risk score was 2 - and that was because of my age. Nothing I can do about that.

We had a good chat about alcohol intake. I guestimated my weekly intake at about 20 units, which is above recommended levels and as I only drink a couple of times a week, it put me in the binge drinker category :shock: Just so you all know that for women, half a bottle of wine or more in one sitting makes you a binge drinker. Having said that my liver and kidney function all normal and my tryglycerides low (which I think can be raised if you drink alot). However she did say that reducing alcohol consumption can reduce LDL and I needed to work on this.

So I will share all of the numbers when I get them.

As a consequence I fasted yesterday, but the first time in ages I was really hungry!

Calories 447
Carbs 27% (31g)
Fat 60% (30g)
Protein 13% (14g)

Breakfast a bulletproof coffee (decaf because of the medical). They fed me at the hospital after the bloods and urine were done. I ate the chicken out of the sandwich, left the bread and when I got home, devoured a double portion of carrot and red lentil soup.

I managed to squeeze in a workout (back and biceps), and did nearly 8000 steps.
Blimey, this is becoming a full time job!
Last edited by rawkaren on 04 Dec 2013, 08:47, edited 1 time in total.

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2 Comments   Viewed 16552 times


Re: Day 106
05 Dec 2013, 05:30
I'm really curious about how they measured your body fat. Was it a simple scale reading in barefeet? And did they list you as athletic when they filled in the data? I have a hard time believing your body fat is so high. Particularly given your activity levels.
Re: Day 106
05 Dec 2013, 06:19
They measured it whilst I was hooked up to the ECG. It was a resting one not one where you are on a bike. I'm not surprised actually as I have only really picked up exercise again seriously in the last couple of months so I have work to do! Still a bit disappointing though.
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