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Why we get fat.
06 May 2014, 10:16

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New Year

by Auriga on 01 Jan 2014, 15:39

Yesterday, New Year's Eve, hubby and I fasted. We were spending the evening on our own for once and at hubby's suggestion is was an opportunity not to be missed during all the festivities and so, a small meal of chicken and green vegetables and NO drink. For I think the first time in my adult life that was a New Year's Eve without drink! If you'd told me this time last year that I wouldn't be drinking on New Year's Eve I might have laughed at you! We're not alcoholics by the way, but we've always loved our red wine of an evening and now it doesn't hold the same allure. Goodness what does this WOE do?? Not complaining though because we've managed to undo some of the 'damage' we did over Christmas and miraculously we're below our pre-Christmas weights now. However we're drinking to that today!! Yay! :drink:

My maintenance buddies are Wendy Darling, PennyForthem , StowgateResident and Callyanna.
Maintaining since 9th April 2014
My method: 5:2 since reaching maintenance (previously 4:3), 16:8 eating window.
Last update :24th January 2015
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