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Week 7 and another pound lighter

by Rhonda on 24 Jan 2014, 18:38

I was so pleased to jump on the scales this morning and see that another pound has hit the road - really really pleased - this way of life is really working for me, slowly but surely I am seeing the difference and enjoying not having to worry about what I eat or drink every day, just have to keep track on two days a week and this suits me - the fast days just happen normally and I look forward to them. I don't worry about what I eat the rest of the week but actually find that I don't think about food as I had in the past - some days I don't think about food at all. Going out tomorrow with friends and hubby for a Burns' Supper with haggis and whisky and the whole shebang - really looking forward to it without regret.

Fasting Mon & Thurs
Start wt 13 st 10 (192 lb) 9 Dec 2013
-0 wk 10 at 13 st 5 (187 lb) 14 Feb 2014
I am still lighter by 5 pounds
Goal weight 11 st 1 (155 lb)
Valentine's Day Challenge Member No: 39 - mini goal 13 st (182 lb) Did not achieve this mini goal.
Running for the birds ... ondaMorris
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