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- May 2014

Why we get fat.
06 May 2014, 10:16

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1.6k to go!

by Auriga on 10 Mar 2014, 16:39

I revised my goal weight down by 1k recently to 54k as there's still fat on the old tummy a plenty! I am 600g off my Easter Challenge weight and 1.6k off maintenance and when you're this close to maintenance it's really tricky getting those last few fat cells to give up the ghost!
I noticed in a previous blog that I had been a bit 'down' in the early was winter so I started vitamin D supplements and feel really full of bounce now! I read in the Daily Telegraph today that they think a great many of us are deficient in that vitamin, that it could possibly cure or at best help many ills, such as asthma or ME. Vitamin D is actually a hormone and takes sometime to have an effect on the body...if you're feeling 'lack lustre' give it a go as it takes a while to work.
I feel great these days, just want to pass it on. :heart:

My maintenance buddies are Wendy Darling, PennyForthem , StowgateResident and Callyanna.
Maintaining since 9th April 2014
My method: 5:2 since reaching maintenance (previously 4:3), 16:8 eating window.
Last update :24th January 2015
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