FastDay User Blogs

Journals, thoughts and musings from our community


- May 2014

Day 22 Feed day but 16:8
13 May 2014, 04:03

Day 21 Liquid Fast
12 May 2014, 09:42

Day 18 16:8
09 May 2014, 07:12

Day 17 Liquid fast day
08 May 2014, 09:39

Day 16: 16:8/feed day
07 May 2014, 08:39

Day 16: 16:8
07 May 2014, 08:37

Day 15 Liquid Fast 1
06 May 2014, 08:16

Day 11 Fast 4
02 May 2014, 08:57

Day 10 Fast 3 (attempt two)
01 May 2014, 07:59

+ April 2014
+ February 2014
+ January 2014
+ December 2013
+ November 2013
+ October 2013
+ September 2013

Day 21 Liquid Fast

by jmousey on 12 May 2014, 09:42

Weight: no idea

Sat Day 19 Feed Day

I never update these things on the weekend. I'm always so busy and tend to not thing about it as I've taken the day off. Saturday I went for a 52km cycle and it nearly killed me after cycling Friday. I was actually fairly healthy Sat but did have heavy calories. My day looked like this:

Bfast: oat granola (220), cheesy puffs(110)
Lunch: brown bread sambo with cheese and chicken (510)
Dinner: Balti Chicken curry with rice and naan, (569), bottle wine (500)
Snacks: Pringles (300

Total 2199 but I burned a good bit cycling. All homemade food which is good though

[Sunday Day 20 Feed Day]

Not a good - I had all the best intentions of no takeaway. It went like this:

bfast: mini bagel (100), 3 sausages (150), goats cheese (100)
Lunch: baked potato (200), baked beans (60), butter (100), pringles (150)
Dinner: Thai red curry takeaway with fried rice and prawn crackers (1100)

Total was 2030 for the day. Not great at all. I had really wanted a homecooked meal but OH wanted takeaway. Should make the liquid fast easier though.

I also did a 4mile run and a quick ocean dip ( although its only 8degrees celcius so it really was a 5minute dip in a wetsuit

Day 21 liquid fast
I shouldn't start to struggle til later today due to the takeaway. I'm very full. I slept awfully though last night - didn't get asleep til about 6am so feel crap. Whats more, I have a pharmaceutical law conference in brussels this week so this will be my only liquid fast. However, I will do 2 half fasts Tues and Friday to try and help the damage and stay low carb. I have also looked up a swimming pool as there is none in my hotel - I'm aiming to do a triahtlon at the end of the month so need to keep up my training and can't afford to miss a week due to travelling. So far I've had 1 coffee today, I'm about to go get a second, and I have bovril to get me through the rest of the day. My cold is pretty much gone at this point - still a bit snotty but much better. I'm hoping to swim either at lunch/after work today and do 1000m's and I'll also stand up at work for four hours which is an easy way to burn cals. I've already been standing for 70 mins so far (I set a timer on my ipone). Its also good for you as I have a desk job and feel very unhealthy and sluggish most days as don't move around

Fasting Mondays, Wed & Friday
paleo friendly diet
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