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Kat's musings (aka ferretgal)

My thoughts and experiences related to 5:2.
5 replies Page 1 of 1

"Emotional" hunger

by ferretgal on 05 Jun 2014, 18:41

Having a bad day...flipped my chair, bruised and mad...couldn't get into conference call...waste of time once I did...tried to send a long post on forum and it just disappeared...finding that I'm having impulses to eat NOT based on hunger but on self-soothing...first time it's been so clear. Glad to feel that I am aware of what's happening and am in control of it. Since it's a fast day, I usually don't eat till late afternoon, so I can see this "hunger" for what it is. Feeling neglected and ignored on the forum; guess I'm just not their cup of tea. Rejected again; what else is new? Guess I'm just not cut out for groups, even online ones. :frown:

I am perfect just the way I am, as are we all.
5:2 is my Way of Life...weight loss is only one "side effect"
Fasting day=Light day, Nonfasting/feast day=Normal day
5 Comments   Viewed 5507 times


Re: "Emotional" hunger
05 Jun 2014, 23:15
Groups often make me feel that way too. On Wednesday I was asked to sign a card at work for someone whose mother had died. 'Hmph! How come I didn't get a card from work when my mother died?' was what I was thinking. No body likes me everybody hates me.... etc. The next day I noticed some writing on the white board asking people to sign cards in the office : for Danee, for Jo, for Dave and....for SALLY! I don't know if that was just put there and hadn't been there on Wednesday or if it had been there all the time and obviously I wasn't asked to sign my own card! You are certainly our cup of tea. You are not rejected. That's old stuff left over from some time in your childhood when you may have been rejected - not picked for the team etc It's just a feeling and it's not real!
Re: "Emotional" hunger
06 Jun 2014, 00:21
Thanks Sally! I've been enjoying reading your posts the last few weeks; it's good to know even self-pity (mine) is least in moderation. Have been working from home and feeling isolated. And I won't go eat any worms...thx!
Re: "Emotional" hunger
06 Jun 2014, 10:59
I agree with Sally - I know just what she (and you) mean, but when I feel like that I have to try and remind myself that that is MY take on it and it's not necessarily accurate. It doesn't always work, but it does sound like you were having an especially bad day - hope today is better!
Re: "Emotional" hunger
06 Jun 2014, 11:33
I agree with Sally - I know just what she (and you) mean, but when I feel like that I have to try and remind myself that that is MY take on it and it's not necessarily accurate. It doesn't always work, but it does sound like you were having an especially bad day - hope today is better!
Re: "Emotional" hunger
13 Jun 2014, 18:57
Thank you, loversghost; yes, it was a passing mood. I tend to be the type who never shows my true feelings (Agrimony for you Bach people) so being this vulnerable here, even online, isn't typical for me. Wonderful to know it's OK to be real here...thx again!
5 replies Page 1 of 1


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