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- July 2014

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04 Jul 2014, 19:22

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Oh dear

by Karenm on 28 Jun 2014, 21:59

OH has decided he's not enjoying fasting this time around, so doesn't want to continue with me. I have told him I want to lose another stone so I'll be carrying on with it. After reading that article I posted on cereal killers earlier, we are going to cut down processed food and see how that goes. I reckon he's hoping his weight will fall off without the effort of dieting. He wants to exercise more, but I really don't enjoy exercise, he likes long walks and I just don't!
Perhaps he doesn't care if he's obese, but I'm not going back down that road. I will carry on and get to a better weight x :heart: x :clover: x :heart:

It's catching and it's free!
Buddied with @pinchypops and @justdee - three fast ladies
March Equinox challenger #5
Pledge to lose 7lb

9/1 - 13st 2lb
3 Comments   Viewed 13920 times


Re: Oh dear
29 Jun 2014, 22:46
My OH gave it away too and he continues to be obese. We know that we will not lose weight by exercise without changing our eating. So, you just have to model how it's done and let him go his own way. Don't let this sway you from your resolve, but also being 'desperate' is not a good feeling. Just be relaxed. You will lose weight and it will take it's own time. Just soldier on, one day at a time, one fast at a time and don't get too hung up on the scales. Have you been doing 5:2 since September, or did you give it away and come back?
Re: Oh dear
30 Jun 2014, 06:07
I fasted sept/October hit my target weight of 159lb on 1/11 and stopped fasting.
By February I was 172lb.
April I hit 177lb - fasted for a week and lost 9lb stopped fasting
May - back up to 176lb - then lost 3 lb so 173lb
I started 5:2 properly again on 16/6 and 20/6 I was down to 173 from however high I'd gone up to (one weigh early that week was 182lb)
Unfortunately I am doing very well on fast days but scoffing loads on other days. I need to fill the fridge and cupboard with lower carb stuff. I am eating too much rubbish.
After reading the cereal killer article, we are going to cut down on carbs.
OH likes the idea of an eating window ie 19:5. He tends to just eat then anyway. I think he doesn't want to do this because he wants to avoid the scales!
Re: Oh dear
02 Jul 2014, 16:52
@Karenm Got something for you to consider that I found works very well.

Take a few seconds this evening to discuss and identify the general contents for tomorrows' meals. That way, tomorrow, only those things that fit the anticipated menu will be pulled out during meal preparation. Everything else in the refrigerator or pantry will be ignored because they just don't fit.

When you don't preselect desireable meals however, everything you see come meal time the next day will look tasty and acceptable - so any or all of them can and often will be eaten. As you already know the result is then "Rubbish" until full.


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