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- July 2014

Blinking 'eck!
04 Jul 2014, 19:22

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Blinking 'eck!

by Karenm on 04 Jul 2014, 19:22

I have done 3 fasts this week and have lost absolutely no weight! Gutted!
I have lost 3" off my waist in last couple of weeks, but really thought the 4:3 would get me down to 12 stone. This is only my second week and I expected a good loss, but no :frown: I'm still 12st2lb

I had a stressful day yesterday and was incredibly close to giving up my fast day.
Electrician turned up at 8am and told me he needed to go into my bedroom. I pleaded with him no. ended up crying and shouting at him that I obviously was allowed nowhere to call my own. My husband came up with the solution of him taking a ladder upstairs and sending our teenage daughter into the loft!
The hoist installers turned up at 11ish and 2 hours later informed me what they'd brought with them wasn't compatible and couldn't be fitted upstairs. Lots of phone calls and 4.5 hours later and the decision has been made that a new system will need to be ordered. I am hopeful that social services will fund this extremely large extra cost!
I avoided using food as my crutch and stuck to a low cal dinner 300ish cals.
Yet I remained the same weight.
I'm hoping it will show up next week as that used to happen a lot in the past!
I did, however, lose 3" from my waist in last couple of weeks!
Today I have eaten 2 lindtdor chocs, a small packet of popping candy, a bacon buttie (brown bread) for brekkie, a yoghurt, 2 werthers sweets, baked fish portions, 6 chips (don't like chips much) and mushy peas, I have also had 3 squares of chocolate and have ice cream for later.
Way too much sugar :razz: , but under calories x
Last edited by Karenm on 04 Jul 2014, 19:29, edited 1 time in total.

It's catching and it's free!
Buddied with @pinchypops and @justdee - three fast ladies
March Equinox challenger #5
Pledge to lose 7lb

9/1 - 13st 2lb
2 Comments   Viewed 10620 times


Re: Blinking 'eck!
06 Jul 2014, 04:26
Stick with it Karen. It was 6 weeks before I lost anything. It will happen for you.
Re: Blinking 'eck!
06 Jul 2014, 07:17
Thank you Karen. I know I've list inches, but I need to get rid of at least 3lb to leave the 12stone behind! On it this week. Not eating crisps should help as I've eaten more of them thus last fortnight than in the last 6 months :-/ x
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