FastDay User Blogs

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- February 2014

8th fast
14 Feb 2014, 10:15

One week later
11 Feb 2014, 08:42

Little by little
04 Feb 2014, 06:18

Doing well...
03 Feb 2014, 14:13

+ January 2014
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3 weeks, 7 fast and 3.2kg less later...

by juliusi on 06 Apr 2013, 08:17

Today officially starts my 4th week on the 5:2 diet.
During this first 3 weeks I have done 7 fasts and lost overall 3.2kg, that is an average just above 1kg per week, which I am very happy about, taking into the account that last weekend was Easter and for us (Italians I mwean) it is not just one day of eating lots of mama's cooking and easter eggs. What can I say. After an initial struggle on my 1st fast, I have adapted quite well afterwards. I can easily go without eating during fast days till 3pm and have then my lunch. I have tried to change my habits not eating carbs so that I don't have all the cravings they produce, but still it seems that once I have eaten and because of the diet the calory intake is low, I am very hungry till dinner and I always look for something and this makes me crazy. What I will try next time (on Monday I think) is to eat even later, almost dinner and see if it is a better solution.
This past week I shifted my fast days to Tuesday and Friday because I was still at my parents on Monday, but it didn't change anything overall. Next week I will have over here at work a visitor, with whom I probably will go out for dinner. I hope it will be only 1 evening and depending on which one (Monday or Tuesday) I will adapt my fasting days.
Choccolate is almost finished at home (still something left and the ever-present Nutella never leaves home) should help me in reaching my goal very soon. I have still 2.2Kg left to reach my goal and I would like to get there by the end of May when I have my 100k race, so that I won't need to carry more weight on those long hills when running.
I hope everybody is doing great too and even if those fast days are a pain in the :wink: ...they are always followed by feeding day.
Isn't this great?
Have a nice weekend.

We have not inherited the world from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.
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