FastDay User Blogs

Journals, thoughts and musings from our community


- October 2016

Days 41-44
28 Oct 2016, 04:32

Days 38-40
23 Oct 2016, 20:48

21 Oct 2016, 10:34

Days 35-37
21 Oct 2016, 00:54

Day 34
18 Oct 2016, 07:02

Day 33
17 Oct 2016, 01:57

Days 31 and 32
16 Oct 2016, 04:06

Days 29 and 30
14 Oct 2016, 06:24

Day 28
12 Oct 2016, 05:04

Days 26-27
11 Oct 2016, 09:07

Day 25
08 Oct 2016, 23:16

Days 22-24 I think!
08 Oct 2016, 03:48

Days 20-21
05 Oct 2016, 06:19

Days 17-19
03 Oct 2016, 06:43

+ September 2016

My food management journey

Daily? record of my food management journey to see if I can learn more strategies for effective management of my food consumption

Day 4

by Sassy1 on 18 Sep 2016, 08:03

Things continuing well so far. Had my first proper fast day in ages yesterday, only having dinner (steak and veg, followed by some berries). May not have been as low as 500 cals, but it was a lot better than other recent fast days where I have eaten far more once the fast was broken. Also, it was a very active day - walked the dogs, pushed my 90kg dad in the wheelchair around a park, and later swam 50 lengths (2.5km).

Today I just had a hard boiled egg for brekkie, and my normal lunch of large salmon salad, with some walnuts, sultanas and quinoa. I also had one slice of a really nice bread, and an orange. After seeing a dietician last year, I have decided that grains will be part of my everyday diet. I will try to keep the processed carbs to a minimum, but I am not excluding them.

We went out for afternoon tea. The cake selection was amazing, but I was able to tell myself that I was not hungry, which I wasn't, and so avoided having to choose!! The black coffee was just fine. I have had another coffee since getting home, and it now time to make dinner.

My motivation levels remain high, helped by not feeling ravenous. Yet.

Goal reached December 2013, weight loss strategy 5:2, weight management strategy is eating a wide range of (mainly) whole foods but am back to following 5:2 for a while. Main eating challenge is the evening munchies! :razz:
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