FastDay User Blogs

Journals, thoughts and musings from our community


- October 2016

Days 41-44
28 Oct 2016, 04:32

Days 38-40
23 Oct 2016, 20:48

21 Oct 2016, 10:34

Days 35-37
21 Oct 2016, 00:54

Day 34
18 Oct 2016, 07:02

Day 33
17 Oct 2016, 01:57

Days 31 and 32
16 Oct 2016, 04:06

Days 29 and 30
14 Oct 2016, 06:24

Day 28
12 Oct 2016, 05:04

Days 26-27
11 Oct 2016, 09:07

Day 25
08 Oct 2016, 23:16

Days 22-24 I think!
08 Oct 2016, 03:48

Days 20-21
05 Oct 2016, 06:19

Days 17-19
03 Oct 2016, 06:43

+ September 2016

My food management journey

Daily? record of my food management journey to see if I can learn more strategies for effective management of my food consumption

Day 16

by Sassy1 on 30 Sep 2016, 03:32

Yesterday I didn't have lunch til 5pm!! I had some shopping to do and thought I would get it done quickly first thing in the afternoon and then have a later lunch. But not that much later!

I had to get something to eat when I was out, as I was stressed, tired and light headed. Settled for a pear. Had my usual lunch once home, but a smaller serve of salad. Delayed dinner til almost 8, didn't really feel hungry but I knew if I didn't eat a decent meal then, I might end up snacking on whatever.

I did have choccie with my decaf when I sat down to watch The Code and The Tunnel, 2 great shows. It was a conscious choice although I was eating for emotional reasons. And I had more than I would ideally have had, but I savoured and enjoyed every mouthful, and was able to stop myself having anything else, when part of me wanted to. (I was feeling emotional and fragile for a lot of the day. I was singing along at the top of my voice with the wonderful Teddy Tahu Rhodes "Some enchanted evening" - btw I saw him in a production of South Pacific, absolutely wonderful and I could have fallen in love with him then and there!! - and looked at the photo of mum and I, and the tears just welled. Then later in the day, when shopping for art supplies for painting classes I am starting next week (total novice), the assistant was impatient and not very helpful. I almost burst into tears in the shop! So I decided that chocolate was an okay response to this.)

Felt fine today, improved my cycle circuit time - must resurrect the exercise thread - had my hair cut (bit short, but it will grow) and thought I would update this before I have lunch,

Goal reached December 2013, weight loss strategy 5:2, weight management strategy is eating a wide range of (mainly) whole foods but am back to following 5:2 for a while. Main eating challenge is the evening munchies! :razz:
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