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Entering Week 2 (+ Sugar Bag Comparison)

by fancyfinch on 30 Aug 2017, 14:11

I was at the grocery store and noticed 5 lb bags of sugar on the shelf. It's not light! And I like being able to pick something up and say, "wow I lost this much!" rather than just a number. It's pretty cool! But also like having a smaller benchmark than the whole 35 lbs I need/want to lose. So, I've decided to measure my weight loss both in pounds and in bags of sugar, lolol

I had my first weigh-in 8/21/2017 and my fasting days for the first week were 8/22/2017 (where I did not plan appropriately and ended up eating about 1000 kcals), 08/24/2017 (25% TDEE), and 08/20/2017 (another partial fast to make up for the incorrect fast on 8/22 and because it felt odd to have so many feast days in a row).

I've been using the fantastic Cronometer app to track my calorie intake and weight changes. Plus it's interesting to know what my macro and micronutrients are (which it also tracks but I don't utilize in my food planning).

I am doing no exercise and don't plan to yet. So, other than the maybe 2 miles total I walk for commuting purposes, I don't do anything.

GOAL -- 35lb loss (7 bags of sugar!)

Before Week 1: 173.8 lbs
Week 1: 168.8 (-5.0lbs -- 1 bag of sugar down! 6 more to go!) :grin:

Last edited by fancyfinch on 30 Aug 2017, 16:02, edited 4 times in total.

1/1/2017 Weight: 183.2 lbs
5:2 Starting Point (8/21/2017): 173.8 lbs
Current Weight: 161.8 lbs
Full Goal: 136.0 lbs
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