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- November 2017

99 Days (sort of)
28 Nov 2017, 13:38

79 Days
08 Nov 2017, 12:59

+ October 2017
+ September 2017
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Week 3 Success!

by fancyfinch on 12 Sep 2017, 13:33

I have completed another week with an additional 3 pounds down -- 167.6 to 164.6! When I typed that sentence I accidentally wrote 176 and 174. Apparently it hasn't quite hit me that I'm truly in the 160s (and entering the lower 160s at that)! At this point, I have lost a total of 9.2 lbs -- almost to my next sugar bag!!!

My lowest weight this week was 163.4!!! Oh my! Also, I love stepping on the scale and it blinks to lower numbers before settling on its final number. It means I'm getting closer!

Some fasting days are easy, some are incredibly hard. Not sure what makes the difference? But, really, I've just come to accept and expect that I'll feel hungry on a fast day. So long as I can get to my evening meal, I'll be fine. As I'm sure is the case for most people, it's more difficult if I'm at home on a fast day. On a work day, I have commuting and, well, work to keep me distracted. If I'm at home for fasting, it helps to have a project or just get out of the house altogether and run errands.

Lessons learned this week:
-Always have something (many somethings) to do on fast days
-Eggs (for me) do NOT keep hunger away for long (must avoid omelettes, etc, on fasting days) -- I know eggs really help other peaople stave hunger, it just hasn't been true in my case, which is a really great example of how you have to pay attention to your own body)
-Miso soup is a lifesaver
-Need to keep tea at home (all my tea is at work)
-A 12 oz Starbucks mocha for breakfast (w/o anything else) keeps me satiated all the way until lunch - go figure! Certainly not healthy, but an effective and delicious meal replacement.
Last edited by fancyfinch on 18 Sep 2017, 12:24, edited 1 time in total.

1/1/2017 Weight: 183.2 lbs
5:2 Starting Point (8/21/2017): 173.8 lbs
Current Weight: 161.8 lbs
Full Goal: 136.0 lbs
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