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- November 2017

99 Days (sort of)
28 Nov 2017, 13:38

79 Days
08 Nov 2017, 12:59

+ October 2017
+ September 2017
+ August 2017

70 Days

by fancyfinch on 31 Oct 2017, 14:22

Popped back up to the 155 range this morning (10/30/2017), but feels like this is the ceiling instead of the floor this time, which is encouraging. Besides, my monthly cycles appeared today, so must allow extra variations this week in the wrong direction. I had meant for today to be a fast day, but now that's not such a good idea. The Christmas Challenge has started, but I wasn't going to begin my new goals until wednesday, November 1st, anyways, which works out quite well with the fatigue and weakness of my monthly visitor. No exercise for me today! The couch calls to me! :razz:

I did get in plenty of fiber, though (good to have lots of practise before my real daily challenge begins), equalling to about 35g of fiber for the day of 1715 calories -- well over my 25g goal.

Things I've learned this week:
-5 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder contains 10g of fiber! And when mixed with 25g of sugar and some hot water makes some delicious, thick, strong, bittersweet hot cocoa. Maybe not for everyone (but I happen to love dark chocolate and my mother tells me I used to eat unsweetened baking chocolate when I was a little girl -- not to mention I have a chronic magnesium deficiency), but I can see this become a common food in my future with the cold snaps descending upon us.
-hummus is delicious! I already knew this, but I've started eating more lately with carrots to increase my fiber and I'm quite contented. Thinking about learning to make my own...

1/1/2017 Weight: 183.2 lbs
5:2 Starting Point (8/21/2017): 173.8 lbs
Current Weight: 161.8 lbs
Full Goal: 136.0 lbs
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