FastDay User Blogs

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- July 2013

31 Jul 2013, 09:52

Fighting the good fight
16 Jul 2013, 12:13

New beginning...again.
09 Jul 2013, 11:56

+ April 2013

Roll on bedtime.

by Scifichick on 13 Apr 2013, 16:45

Fast number 6 today and it's a struggle. I could happily eat everything in the house, whether it's nailed down or not but have so far managed to resist. I think it's because it's truly miserable outside and I'm tired (horrid baby!) and I would normally be snacking the afternoon away to keep the exhaustion at bay. I'm also supposed to be writing a presentation and researching some other teaching materials for a course later on in the week but it's just not happening. Too tired to concentrate, too tired to give a monkeys, plus I have a 17 month old surgically attached to me which is making everything twice as much effort as it should be.

But enough whingeing. I've cooked up a batch of my Mum's vegetable chili which I'm going to have for dinner. It's filling the house with lots of yummy smells and I'm very much looking forward to it. It took almost twice as long as normal to prepare as I had to log everything into MyFitnessPal to calculate the calorie content because my pocket book has vanished into the maelstrom that is my house, but it's worth it because it's delicious.

The training course is far enough away that I'm staying away from home. First time away from all of my boys over an extended period of time for years. I'm still planning to fast on Thursday, so I'm making plans to take low calorie things with me to remove the temptation to pig out (as well as some nytol to make sure I make the most of a quiet, toddler free bed whilst I have the chance!). Lunch is provided by the centre, so I'm going to have to be careful with that but otherwise feel quite well prepared.

The OH is on his 3rd fast so is due to weigh in tomorrow. It'll be interesting to see how he's done. He seems to have settled into the WOE quite easily, but then he doesn't have the addictive personality traits that I do and has never really had a problem with food. Grr.

Right then, must go and sort that chili out. Then I can see an early evening in my near future, and the exciting possibility of an undisturbed night as it's the OH's turn to be on baby duty tonight. Lush.

Wish me

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