FastDay User Blogs

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- April 2013

13 Apr 2013, 18:09

+ March 2013


by BBT053 on 13 Apr 2013, 18:09

I did stay on the wagon when we had visitors. I've continued to lose weight but with crazy variations. I've downloaded KenCC's smoothing software as I'm a happy weigher and it's fun. Libra app on Android.

Now down to the lightest I've been since 2001. Which is amazing, feeling strong and energetic. Was silly and attempted a forward roll at the warm-up last Wed and crunched my neck. Been sorted out by a good physio but less exercise for a couple of days. Couldn't do them when I was four, can't do them now... :cool:

I've decided from constant reading of the forum that there are various schools of thought about this diet, dependent on what people have done previously and how much control they want to feel. Rapidly coming to the conclusion that the path to weightloss is living in the minute, listening to the body and being mindful of food. Angsting really doesn't work and I think hinders progress as being anxious makes you hungry, I think. It's a cult, it is! You have to be a believer... :wink:

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