FastDay User Blogs

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- April 2013

Day 1 - taking the rough with the smooth!

by vebnorahs on 15 Apr 2013, 09:45

So I have been impatient to start dropping my post-baby weight for a while and have been reliant on exercise because I'm breastfeeding. My son is now 11 months and eating a large amount of solids and BFs have become mostly for his comfort so I'm not worried about reducing my milk production now. Time to get cracking! My BMI is 24.9 (scraping me into the normal zone). I'd like it to be more like 20. So here goes...

Today is day 1 of diet and I started the day with a 2 mile jog (1st in quite some time). I'm taking part in the race for life in 4 weeks and wanted to get my PB time. Unfortunately I received news of an abnormal smear test result last week and looks like I'll be undergoing a LLETZ next Monday so won't be running for 2-3 weeks following that. I'm happy that I'm fit enough that I should just about make it round the 5K track but kicking myself for not starting real training sooner. I'll be keeping up the fitness on my exercise bike instead!

It's 11am and nothing to eat since 6pm last night. Pretty hungry but going to tackle the house work to take my mind off it now!

“Unless You Puke, Faint or Die, Keep Going!”
― Jillian Michaels
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