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- August 2014

Its been a long long time
09 Aug 2014, 13:05

+ July 2013
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second fast day, today

by deMuralist on 18 Apr 2013, 11:54

So for this week at least, I decided to start all of my work days the same, in the end I will be using 2 of them for my fast days. Today is technically my second fast day since starting on Monday. Yesterday was rather moderate, so I am going to watch and see what effect that has on today's fasting.

Generally I plan to have 2 normal days between fasts, but we have company tomorrow, so it is not a good day to fast.

Currently I track my foods daily, and will keep that up, not for control so much as for information, I like to have the data.

SW 4/1/13 =274.8 (first started to play around with alternate fast days)
CW=268.8 (I weigh daily, I like having the data)

Sleep = 7hours 30 minutes of sleep 93% efficiency
Steps= 11,343

So off to the treadmill, then to work.

"As soon as I saw you I knew adventure was going to happen"
-Winnie the Pooh

"We are what we repeatedly do, excellence then is not an act, but a habit"
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