FastDay User Blogs

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- July 2013

31 Jul 2013, 09:52

Fighting the good fight
16 Jul 2013, 12:13

New beginning...again.
09 Jul 2013, 11:56

+ April 2013

Who'da thunk it!

by Scifichick on 23 Apr 2013, 13:16

I was only able to fit a 5:2 last week because I was away on a training course and life just didn't play ball.

I was really proud of myself because I still managed to stick to my fast day on Thursday despite having lunch provided by the course centre (no muffin for breakfast, only ate the veg and a couple of cubes of beef at lunch, black coffee all the way through). I was super proud of sticking to it that evening in my hotel room when I was all on my own; thanks mainly to the judicial application of pyjamas really early in the evening which meant I couldn't hit the vending machines and being prepared with low calorie snacks in my suitcase.

What has really struck me, though, is that I missed the fast I had had to miss on Saturday (pesky life, getting in the way!). And by missed, I mean that it has felt odd eating for 4 days on the trot even after only 3 weeks of this new way of eating. I was actually looking forward to today, to getting back on the fasting track, to not having to worry about what I'm going to eat all day.

So, whilst I may not have lost any weight last week, I'm going to crack on. I feel better, my clothes are starting to fit better again and I have finally come to understand that the scales are not the be all and end all. A long term solution to my food issues is, and I think I might just have found it.

Hope you all have a good week to come.x

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