FastDay User Blogs

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- May 2013

Porridge and Parrot seed
18 May 2013, 07:29

Pea shoots and Dandelions
08 May 2013, 18:51

Leeks and Rhubarb
01 May 2013, 08:12

+ April 2013
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Pea shoots and Dandelions

by michele on 08 May 2013, 18:51

May Day this weekend- a celebration dating back hundreds of years to a time when the change of the seasons was key to everything. This one is about the coming together of the young and fertile, jumping the Beltane fires and running off into the lush fields...Also of course a day bringing together those celebrating freedom of another kind- international workers.

So anyway, celebrations called for food. In my house that is! So what to cook that won't tip the already stretched weekend intake over the edge of a cliff, but reflects the seasonal and magical properties of the day?

Oat cake (oats are aphrodisiac apparently) with thin thin slice of feta cheese (sheep> gambolling lamb connection) pea shoots, spring onion and dandelion petals
Roasted spring lamb with asparagus (just in season and the rest I will leave to the imagination) with batons of carrots and fine french beans, a couple of new potatoes and mint (which has just sprung up everywhere)
Deeply dark and very naughty chocolate mousse- ok so that one might have blown the TDEE but I just had a little bit.
Washed down with a rhubarb and raspberry cordial/chilled white

Felt good to be eating normal - no, scratch that, special- stuff with the family and still losing weight. Have been a little bit more careful this week on my feeding days but hey- is good to be able to LIVE life, not be just be waiting til I am at my target weight to do so.

4 Comments   Viewed 2821 times


Re: Pea shoots and Dandelions
09 May 2013, 12:33
My mouth's watering reading this - of course it's a fast day too!

I couldn't agree with you more. I love it that we can really ENJOY food again. I was reminded of a woman who attended the same WW meetings with me in the 80s (back then I was only 5 kg overweight), she loved cooking and couldn't get her head around not being able to use butter anymore. For too long the food has turned to ash in our mouths... or whatever it was Captain Barbossa said! : )
Re: Pea shoots and Dandelions
09 May 2013, 14:03
It was very delicious- especially the oat cakes I thought. My nephew wasn't so sure about the dandelion it has to be said.
I really am not good with long term denial, and in the end it is counterproductive in my experience.

And yes, I am with Barbossa :)
Re: Pea shoots and Dandelions
11 May 2013, 05:51
Loved the vivacious writing of pea shoots and dandelion and May Day! And agree with AiriR and Einstein and Michele and Barbossa!
Re: Pea shoots and Dandelions
13 May 2013, 11:40
Thank you! Appropriate for May day then :)
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