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- May 2013

15 weeks and 24 pounds
10 May 2013, 19:46

+ April 2013
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15 weeks and 24 pounds

by redhead on 10 May 2013, 19:46

15 weeks and 24 pounds

I'm at the end of my 15th week doing 5:2 and I've been reflecting and doing some number crunching so thought it was a good time to record a bit more detail on my journey.

I've never been hugely overweight, but at the start of this year I was tipping the overweight BMI category and really felt heavy after slowly putting on about 2 stone in the last 5-10 years (I'm in my mid 30s). I was nearly 12 stone at the start of the year and about 5ft 8. I certainly felt big and had difficulty finding clothes that looked nice.

I was up and down in weight during the last 10 years - losing a bit, putting a bit on and so on. But I've never dieted (couldn't ever stick to anything - I have terrible willpower) so my weight was never in my control. I only lost when I was busy at work or whatever. Not because I made a conscious, controlled choice.

I discovered the Eat Fast Live Longer programme and book in January and decided to give it a go. I often skipped breakfast and sometimes lunch as well as I have a manic job so I reckoned it couldn't be too difficult to cut down on junk, snacks and very large evening meals for just two days a week.

I was particularly drawn by the idea that it could also bring mental benefits like improved memory and mood. Also the positive reviews and comments on the web with people saying they intended to do it for life.

So I started on 24 January. I just sort of did the first fast day the day after reading the book without thinking too much about it. If I had thought about it too much I probably wouldn't have managed it!

I started out doing normal 5:2 with a 500 cal evening meal. After about a month I decided not to have the meal because I wasn't particularly hungry for it and when I had it, it often made me hungrier. Fasting on through to the next day was pretty easy so I just sort of kept it up.

At the start, I didn't bother about what I was eating on non fast days. The book wasn't prescriptive about that and I hadn't discovered this forum at that stage where there's lots of great advice about watching tdees and so on. I think I probably assumed that you could eat what you wanted on non fast days so I did, although I didn't binge.

I'm convinced that after fasting for a few weeks the body trips a switch and starts to control non fast day eating. I just seemed to start saying no to things and leaving food on my plate/ cooking less. It wasn't a conscious choice, it just happened. I definitely eat less overall now and much less junk. I just don't crave it the same way I used to and I understand hunger much better.

So now I do 5:2 with zero calories twice a week. That means not eating any calories from evening on day one to lunchtime on day 3. Usually a total of about 40 hours twice a week. Usually on Mondays and Thursdays. Quite a few people have graduated to liquid fasts now so there's loads of info and advice on it across the forum.

My advice to others is start with normal 5:2 and once you're used to the fasts, try extending the non-eating period. Practice really is the key. Water fasting even just once is a great way to test yourself and prove you are in control and that not eating for a few hours won't kill you.

I've tried up to 60 hours but it wasn't for me - see previous blog entry.

I find 40 hour water fasting twice a week a cinch. I barely think about it anymore and intend to keep it up for life, albeit less frequently when I reach my target weight.

So I've been doing 5:2 since 24 January this year. I started at 11 stone 12lb. Today, 15 weeks on I'm 10 stone 2lb!

If I had lost 1lb per week I should be a stone lighter now. As it is I'm a full stone and 10lbs lighter! So water fasting had really speeded up my weight loss. Partly because it creates a further 1,000 cal restriction each week, but also because it has helped control my eating habits on non fast days.

Looking at my stats with the objectivity of hindsight is more revealing than the micro view of week to week when we all slightly obsess about 'have I lost a pound this week, or two, or none?!' I felt my weight loss was fairly erratic, but it wasn't really.

In the first 3 weeks I lost a pound a week on normal 5:2 with 500 cals.

Then in weeks 4 to 12, I lost at a fairly steady rate with an average of 2lbs lost each week, probably because I'd started water fasting.

In the first few weeks of 'water' fasting I was still having coffee with milk and sugar. I cut that out after about week 6. I thought it had made a difference, but actually I kept losing the same 2lb per week. Must remember to advise all the other liquid fasters that drinks with a bit of sugar/ cals shouldn't make any difference at all.

In weeks 12 to 15 I've gone back to losing an average 1lb per week. Still great! The only week in all 15 weeks so far that I didn't lose anything was week 12. Not entirely sure why. I just stayed at 10s 7lb. The following week I lost 3lb because I did a 60 hour fast. Great but I won't doing that again and like I said, use caution if you're considering it.

So I wonder why I've slowed to 1lb per week in the last 3 weeks? I don't think I'm doing anything differently like eating more on non fast days. I'm probably not eating less either though, so it's probably the tdee thing reducing. I'm happy with the way it's going and a pound a week will do me nicely so I don't intend to try to deliberately restrict myself more on non fast days.

I expect to get to slightly below my target weight around mid June. It will be interesting to see if the 1lb a week bears out or if I find the average irons it out back to 2lb per week overall.

I'll assess my body shape when I have lost the full 2 stone and am 9s 12 and move to maintenance if I'm happy with it. I still have a bit of a flabby tummy to lose, but I'm hoping my tummy is where the last 4/5 lb are!

I've been getting lots of lovely comments about losing weight and I really notice the difference. I noticed my clothes getting looser after I'd lost about 12lbs and then people started commenting in the last few weeks. Nothing fits me now!! Comparing photos from a few months ago show I've gone from looking very flabby and bloated looking to lean and having an attractively shaped figure.

My husband has also commented that my arms look great. I've been this weight before but he says my arms are a really nice shape this time.

I haven't done any extra exercise. I do have a crazy job and I play pretty hard too, so I'm active, but not fit. I keep meaning to do something structured but so far haven't bothered.

I've talked on the forum about how I value 5:2 not just for the physical weight loss, but also for the mental benefits.

I always had a tendency towards depression although I never took any medication (except self prescribed alcohol!) My family also has a history of dementia and so I was interested to see if 5:2 would bring any mental changes, although my main motivation was weight loss.

Since starting 5:2 my mood has improved significantly. I never - never - feel down or despairing now. This is such a significant and noticeable change for me it really is quite amazing. At first I understand we experience a bit of elation as the body adjusts and I definitely got that, particularly the morning after a fast. To the extent that I had to 'keep a lid on it' at work because my work environment is very stiff and professional. The elation has given way to a general, consistent sense of positive well being and satisfaction with life. I always enjoyed my job and have a happy home life - I just enjoy it so much more now. Why did you suffer from depression you might ask? Only people who experience it can understand. It defies logic and reason. It just 'is' and you just find yourself in the midst of darkness for months on end. I considered myself a 'functioning depressive' because it was never perceptible to others. Just something I carried and hid with a confident and affable demeanour, but jeese I had some low times. Now I actually seek out more social contact with a more diverse group of people where before I was very choosy about who I spent time with. I honestly enjoy people and life in general so much more now.

I have also noticed a significant improvement in memory since starting 5:2. I find myself spontaneously remembering things from 10 years or more ago with absolute clarity (this never happened before) and I'm noticing short term memory improvements at work all the time.

I deal in a huge amount of paper based reporting and I maintain about 4 diaries/ to do lists across email, spreadsheets, bberry etc. Since doing 5:2 I find I can much more quickly recall content, specific details, when I first read something, who I spoke to, what was agreed etc and rely much less on checking lists and plans to remind me what I need to be doing. With no other life changes in the last couple of months, I'm confident it's 5:2.

I even tried an alcohol free week recently - well actually 12 days as I don't generally drink during the week. I drink a lot - and by a lot I mean *a lot* at weekends. I doubt I would have thought of it, less tried it, if it hasn't been for 5:2 and this forum.

And that's what I want to finish on. 5:2 is amazing and we have Michael Mosley to thank for that, but this forum really is a fantastic place. Full of kind words, sage advice and great motivation! So a huge benefit of doing 5:2 is that it has led me here to find this community and reap the rewards of being part of a brilliant group of people!!

5 Comments   Viewed 5299 times


Re: 15 weeks and 24 pounds
10 May 2013, 20:20
Thanks redhead, very encouraging to read your candid review of how this WOL is working for you.
Re: 15 weeks and 24 pounds
11 May 2013, 00:47
Thank you for sharing all that Redhead, it's really inspirational to read about how 5:2 has improved your life. The best of luck to you.
Re: 15 weeks and 24 pounds
12 May 2013, 10:22
Thanks Redhead, truly inspirational and long may the positive effects continue!
Re: 15 weeks and 24 pounds
24 May 2013, 17:56
Redhead I am going to start that water fast you found worked for you.i need to kicks tart my weightloss.any tips and advice?ill be starting Monday and was going to jus do Sunday night til tues morning til I get used to it.your story is inspirational and I'm an Irish girl who drinks plenty like yourself but I reckon my fast days could be better. Terrified of the water fast-u say u drank coffee and tea?
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