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8th fast
14 Feb 2014, 10:15

One week later
11 Feb 2014, 08:42

Little by little
04 Feb 2014, 06:18

Doing well...
03 Feb 2014, 14:13

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11 days to race day

by juliusi on 14 May 2013, 10:59

Only 11 days left to race day.
Race day is getting closer and I can already feel the excitement raising and I can't wait to be on the starting line once again (did it last year) to run (hopefully) the 100km that separate Florence to Faenza, two of the most beautiful cities in Italy, crossing the Appennini.
It is my "A" race for this year, maybe just going to prepare properly a marathon in autumn, and the rest of the season is going to be shorter races. I am going with 3 other friends of mine and it will be a real adventure for all of us during the trip that will take us there, the race in itslef and of course the return trip with all the stories to tell to each other. Last year it took me 12h and 27 minutes to complete the course and I really hope to do better this year.
I have learnt from some of the mistakes I made and therefore I am confident to do better. Not that much but hopefully better.
Another reason to be confident is that I weigh considerably less than last year. I think at least 5kilos which normally make a huge difference, more on a course like this one.
When I started 5:2 I wanted to loose 5.4kg and today for the 2nd time the scale told me 73.9kg. If the first time was after a 6hrs race, today the weight comes after a fast, but if I look at the data entered in the past week(s)once again it shows how little by little (around 500g/week) the weight has come down.
5:2 is now part of my life and even if on fast days I can't wait to get to the evening for my dinner, I know I can do it, I know that on feed days I look at what I eat and try to limit myself and if I do exagerate with some food (look Nutella :razz: ) I eat something less at eveninig.
I don't know yet what I will do once I have reached my goal consistently, because I know that 6:1 won't do for me, but I am thinking of a mixed 5:2.
Well for now there is a bit of time left, but I am looking forward to get there.
That's all for now. It is lunch time and it is not a fast day :grin: !!
Ciao, ciao,

We have not inherited the world from our forefathers; we have borrowed it from our children.
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