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by Franglaise on 17 May 2013, 06:59

Well, I've been on 'maintenance' for 7 weeks now and my weight has been fluctuating a little. I've stuck rigidly to a full fast every Monday, and added a half fast on another day (so no food until the evening on another day in the week). One weekend my weight went up to 59kgs so I did 2 full fasts and paid more attention to what I ate on non fast days and this morning I was at 57.3kgs, not after a fast day and I know I've definitely lost a few pounds over the last 10 days.
I've started using a weight tracker on my iphone but if my weight creeps up I'll just do a full 5:2 week to get it down again. Once you are used to fast days they are so easy to do and this WOE has made it really easy to control my weight. I still eat and drink everything I want to (I'm lucky in that I've never eaten or craved junk food) and a BMI of around 19 - 19.5 is perfect for me. Below 19 and I'm too thin. This week I had a Twitter conversation with Mimi Spencer who confirmed the same. She originally went down to a BMI of 18.5 on the fast diet and is now maintaining with 6:1 and occasional 5:2 to keep to a BMI of 19.5 - 20.
When you are 45+ too thin isn't pretty!

Susan - now on 6:1-plus-skipping-lunch-occationally maintenance
5 Comments   Viewed 7121 times


Re: Mainenance
17 May 2013, 11:46
Thanks for this blog - i'm going to keep reading so that i know what maybe to expect when i get to goal and switch to maintenance!
Re: Mainenance
17 May 2013, 16:37
Hi Lu
Thanks for reading! It looks like you are nearly half way to your target so hopefully it won't be long before you are on maintenance soon too. It isn't clear what works and what doesn't, but it is so easy to slip back to 5:2 for a week that losing an odd extra pound isn't a problem. I went up to 59kgs a couple of weeks ago and have lost the 2 extra kgs to get back to 57 quite easily. I find weighing regularly a great help, but I know it isn't the same for everyone!
Susan x
Re: Mainenance
21 May 2013, 11:06
Hi Susan!

It's great reading about how you are finding maintenance, did you use 5:2 to lose the 2 kgs or 4:3? Do you also take your measurements aswell or just your weight on the scales?
Sometimes I find my measurements go down even when the scales don't seem to be co-operating :)
You are looking radiant in your photo, I am happy for you that you have found your happy place with your weight. I like my BMI to be around 19 too (I'm 31 years old).
Emma :)
Re: Mainenance
21 May 2013, 20:13
Hi Emma
Thanks for your comment. A lot of people seem to think a BMI of 19 is too close to being underweight but if you have a smallish frame I think it is pretty good. And at 31 you won't risk looking haggard and gaunt as you do when you get to over 45! I hope you find it as easy to reach your goal as I did.
To lost the 2kgs I just did 5:2 one week and stopped snacking, that seemed to do the trick. I also started eating prunes to try and stop the constipation I've had since startinc 5:2 and they helped get things moving again which may have helped. I don't think I changed anything else in particular.
I haven't checked my measurements recently but did when I was following the 5:2 and yes, they did often change when the scales didn't. Water retention is responsible for a lot!
I feel a lot more confident at this weight and my lovely French boyfriend likes it too (but definitely no thinner).
Good luck with your goal!
Susan x
Re: Mainenance
22 May 2013, 04:21
Hi Susan!

Yes my husband likes me to have some 'curves' so I'm "not allowed" to get too rake-ishly thin either! Lol! :D Men!

I have done a no-carb diet and I found while I lost weight incredibly fast, it was so hard to maintain in a "normal" fashion and I felt light headed and wobbly after runs/exercise (or even house cleaning!) when I was on it!
Now I have a bit to lose, I think I have grown impatient to slow weight loss as no carb you tend to drop quite quick, but I think 5:2 seems so normal and doesn't draw attention to what you "can't eat" or "won't eat" like the no-carb diets can do....especially if you are out with friends who are not no carb!

I am worried somewhat that I'll never get back to my nice BMI of 19, I will have to trust that it will work just like it has for everyone else!

Thanks for your tips too..I love prunes, so I'll add them to my shopping list.
Emma :) x
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