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- May 2013

Porridge and Parrot seed
18 May 2013, 07:29

Pea shoots and Dandelions
08 May 2013, 18:51

Leeks and Rhubarb
01 May 2013, 08:12

+ April 2013
7 replies Page 1 of 1

Porridge and Parrot seed

by michele on 18 May 2013, 07:29

Breakfasts are a enticing struggle aren't they? Once the urge to cut 2 thick slices of squashy bread, as my kids call it, toast it and then cover it in butter and marmite has been resisted (mostly) then comes the question. Will it be ultra nutritious and gum challenging granola? What about that expensive and yet insubstantial puffed rice in the plant dyed carbon free cardboard (or is that actually the bit I am supposed to eat?) that I bought at the health food shop in a fit of whole earth smugness. Eggs! Haven't had one of those in a while, go so nicely with bacon and some mushrooms, oh hey what about a sausage...Fruit, I could just have that, or mix it with some plain yoghurt. Ok so I put that last option in just so as you'd think I was a proper dieter. Often though my thoughts turn to porridge.

Sometimes I have thought ahead and have made a breakfast in a jar the night before- oats, yoghurt, milk, berries, bit of honey and parrot seed. The new wonder seed apparently is chia. A high source of protein and stuff like that. In my local health food shop/money black hole they do sell them- in a package that suggests that they are not classified exactly as food stuff. Maybe I should try the pet shop instead. Anyway they don't taste of anything and if, as I suspect, they in fact go straight through then at least there is a little internal exfoliation eh?

But failing that I turn most often to hot porridge. What wonderful deliberations! What to add? Dried fruit? Frozen berries? Apple? Honey? Rhubarb Jam? Chia seeds? Nuts? All of the above? It can be quite stressful and several bowls with different toppings is NOT the answer even though I probably could. How lovely, warm, comforting and silky it tastes- I could write an Ode to Porridge.

Lastly, those excess rhubarb stalks and vodka I may have mentioned earlier. Not looking so attractive at the moment honestly. The jar looks as if I have been down the the local pond and dredged the bottom for some kind of biological experiment in primordial soup. Not so sure it is going to be a big hit...
Last edited by michele on 18 May 2013, 07:31, edited 2 times in total.

7 Comments   Viewed 9306 times


Re: Porridge and Parrot seed
18 May 2013, 14:01
I love porridge! Hadn't had any for ages but thought it would be the perfect thing to break my fast on Tuesday morning after a whole day of just water. Added some frozen blueberries and it was absolutely divine.

Hmm, I have always been a bit iffy about vodka, maybe best to stick with whiskey. ; )

And how well are you doing, fabulous! :heart:
Re: Porridge and Parrot seed
20 May 2013, 06:16
It is so comforting too- good choice after a LONG fast! Apparently oats are good for lowering LDL cholesterol too :)
Really? I didn't know you weren't so keen on vodka- seemed to have managed ok on those occasions we have had raspberry accompaniment - heheh

I am getting there- slowly but surely :)
Re: Porridge and Parrot seed
20 May 2013, 09:08
Yep, porridge on the menu for tomorrow morning again! And talking about cholesterol, have you had yours checked? I've been thinking of maybe having my blood work done because I'm curious. Don't really have anything to compare it to though as it's been ages since the last check

Hehehee, I don't go out of my way for vodka but if there's nothing else it'll do...

You sure are, here's to a smooth road there!
Re: Porridge and Parrot seed
20 May 2013, 14:10
I have had my blood tests but can't see the GP for a couple of weeks - sigh- to get results. My blood pressure was fine though so thats a really hopeful sign! Will be very interesting to compare them to December.
I am fasting today but plan on solid food tonight!

Vodka is a liquid I guess hahaahah though imagine that- bet you'd not need much to really feel it. Better not then...

:) Off to LJ now :P
Re: Porridge and Parrot seed
20 May 2013, 14:45
Vodka is made from potatoes . . . a vegetable! woo hoo!
Re: Porridge and Parrot seed
21 May 2013, 04:37
Definitely good for us then, SmokyMtns! : D

I haven't had my blood pressure checked since I was in hospital last year (and can't even remember what it was then) so would be interesting to see how that's going too. Watch out for yours with Joe!
; )

Hahahaa, would be drunk as a skunk by midday but probably very happy!
Re: Porridge and Parrot seed
21 May 2013, 06:42
A good point SmokyMtns!

I really can't wait to see what my results are. I FEEL a huge improvement of course and maybe thats enough.

One way to get through the day :)
7 replies Page 1 of 1


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