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- May 2014

Why we get fat.
06 May 2014, 10:16

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Why we get fat.

by Auriga on 06 May 2014, 10:16

I have learnt a great deal from this WOE but most of all one thing stands out and that is this: if you don't fast you won't lose weight. Fasting gets your insulin levels down and it's this hormone that is paramount to your success. You raise insulin levels by eating foods which contain glucose or fructose and these raise your blood sugar levels: it's insulin's job to reduce these levels, because it's quite bad for you to have high blood sugar. If you exercise a lot then you are using up your blood glucose and this helps too. But.....if you're like me and hated exercise then fasting is the only way forward (it's very hard for very overweight people to exercise to begin with anyway!).

It is quite likely that if you've been overweight or obese for a long time your insulin levels have been high and it's insulin that makes you store fat. If you've been grazing a lot, bingeing or even just having three square meals a day you're insulin levels might have been sky high and your insulin has never...


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1.6k to go!

by Auriga on 10 Mar 2014, 16:39

I revised my goal weight down by 1k recently to 54k as there's still fat on the old tummy a plenty! I am 600g off my Easter Challenge weight and 1.6k off maintenance and when you're this close to maintenance it's really tricky getting those last few fat cells to give up the ghost!
I noticed in a previous blog that I had been a bit 'down' in the early was winter so I started vitamin D supplements and feel really full of bounce now! I read in the Daily Telegraph today that they think a great many of us are deficient in that vitamin, that it could possibly cure or at best help many ills, such as asthma or ME. Vitamin D is actually a hormone and takes sometime to have an effect on the body...if you're feeling 'lack lustre' give it a go as it takes a while to work.
I feel great these days, just want to pass it on. :heart:

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Nearly there!

by Auriga on 08 Feb 2014, 18:09

When I started this way of eating back in September I was rather envious of those of you who had reached their target weight....I never thought I would get there! I now find myself only 2k off my target of 55k and I can't believe it! I am SO close now and feeling great, I just want to tell those of you who may be struggling it IS worth the effort and it does work if you persevere.
The next challenge for me will be when I reach maintenance. I cannot slide back into my old would be such a waste. Good luck everyone. :clover:

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New Scales

by Auriga on 30 Jan 2014, 12:34

I bought new scales last week.....Salter Body Analyser Scales. I really wish that I had bought these when I started doing 5:2 (or 4:3 in my case). They are far more accurate than my old scales and tell me my body fat percentage & BMI (which corresponds closely to my BMI on the Progress Tracker). I know you can buy super duper scales which link to your computer etc., but these are very good and tell me all I need to know. I am saying this because when I started fasting I really had my head in the sand about weighing myself and measuring myself and now I rather regret not doing so until one month in and I had no idea what my body fat % was until this month.
So if you are a bit weighophobic (new word) don't be, because if you stick to this WOE you will lose weight and you will shrink! So get on the scales, measure yourself and record your present body fat %. If you do that right from the start and fill in your tracker regularly, then sooner or later you'll get...


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inaccurate scales

by Auriga on 15 Jan 2014, 15:08

My son phoned to say that he thinks my scales are completely wrong weighing in 5k heavier than they should! He weighed himself at the gym this week and found that much difference between my scales and the gym ones. The scales have been a bit inaccurate at times and I think they need new batteries, but THAT much out! Could hubby and I be 5k lighter? I very much doubt it, but I am going out to buy new batteries......or maybe new scales?!

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