The FastDay Forum

Monthly Weigh-Ins

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June 5, 144.4 lbs
July 5, 141.2 lbs

3.2 lbs lost. I'll take it. But no change in my waist or the BF% on the Tanits, which makes me wonder. Still I'm getting close to my lowest weight of the last decade. So any significant loss from here on is pure gravy. I would love to get a bit more off that pudgy waist. I am much fatter now than the last time I hit this weight.
Hate to mess up th stats, but I gained 2 kg in June. Too much partying, travel & rich food . Am traveling this week too, will have to get back to a more mindful mindset. It's only a small blip on the tracker, but boy, it hurts! Congrats to everyone else for all small & not so small victories.
Just back from a week's holiday with cooked breakfast everyday, eating out and alcohol every day for 10 days on the trot - quite a lot on some days, so.....
June 9th Weight 11st 4lb Waist 34" Bodyfat% 31
July 7th Weight 11st 5.4lb Waist 34.5 Bodt fat% 31.6 :frown:

Back on track - first fasting day for 2 weeks - I think it's going to be hard. But it does show that sticking to the plan does work!
Here are my stats:

June 5th: 138 lbs
July 4th: 135.8 lbs

So I lost 2.2 lbs in the last month. Slow, but I am pleased! Bring on the August weigh-in :)
Oh dear, I've been away for three months and the decorators have been in - I hardly recognise the place with its new corporate look! I hope my favourite comfy sofa hasn't been chucked out ... :shock:

Well I seem to have been (unwittingly) maintaining these last months - still 5:2-ing but the exact same weight I was in April - 11 st 5lbs! :curse:

I can only blame it on too much booze and some sneaky overeating on feast days. But the last week or so I've made a new commitment, this time to going without breakfast during the week. It's not a big deal on fast days, so I've extended it to other weekdays and I feel as if it may be the answer to kickstart things. That and reining back a bit generally!

Easy to say of course - but next week we're away on hols so '5:2 and no breakfast' is out the window for the duration! :wink:

Good luck everyone and I hope we all manage something spectacular by next month :grin:
So, had it's slow spots (well, I thought I'd hit a bit of a plateau, because hitting 80 took longer than I'd expected) but looking back over it, it was still a good downward trend as the July weigh-in hit.

I went from 81.4kg to a loss of 2kg yay! :smile:

Sorry I can't help with the August weigh-in...between school camp, interstate meetings and moving house it's going to be a busy month.
Oh dear! You seriously do not want to know mine do you?? I have gained big style and intend to start back at the beginning of next week.
AS posted earlier, I have not had the best of years so far, but I will post if you wish, even though I have missed quite a bit of the year already.
Please advise.
By the way, you look absolutely terrific carorees and you are a great advert for this site
Hi Everyone,
I'm new to the site having joined you guys on the 9th June after my weight soared to 14stone :(
Anyway onwards & downwards is my motto and I began A.D.F. and although am due to weigh in Monday I am delighted to post that I have lost 15lb and four inches off my waist line in the first five weeks :)
I just started last week.looking for support.i am sure I will be able to do this however I am not sure if it will give me results in longer term.
@Punjabi girl, try reading a lot of posts, and the tips for newbies. Plus, it's great to express yourself--including doubts and wonderings--on this forum. Obviously, you won't know if 5:2 works for you till you give it a (fair) try. You can get amazing support here if you accept it. Also go to the Blogs page, where it'll show you random blog entries; this is where a lot of us post more personal stuff that's not relevant to specific topics. I strongly suggest keeping a 5:2 journal, to keep track of what works--and what doesn't--for YOU. Welcome! :wink:
I lost 2lb to 4th July :smile:
Hi everyone!! I'm new to this, started two weeks ago, but really chuffed to say I'm 8lb down in that time!! I know it will slow down but I'm thinking it's a good start :) only another 40 ish pounds to go before my wedding next May!! Xx happy fasting everyone xx
@pixiesez that's fantastic, but those numbers will go in the August weigh in stats. I'm not sure who is running it this time, but your 8lb might even go up a bit more by then too :wink: x
Sorry, posted on the wrong thread, duh!!!
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