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by Moogie » 23 May 2014, 12:24

Big thanks to everyone for being patient with us during the transition to FastDay. Big thanks also to our fab tech/dev team for working hard to resolve the issues which have been spotted since the launch. We're getting there!

A few folks have mentioned the number of ads being displayed. Yes, it's true, we now display the same amount of ads to members as non-members but I hope you can understand that with all the new features on the site and the swanky new server the running costs have gone up and these have to be met somehow. Down the line we may be able to offer some kind of ad-free version for a very small annual fee or something along those lines but right now we're focussing on getting everything running as it should! If you'd be interested in that sort of option please do post your thoughts here as we'd love to get an idea of whether this might be popular as an alternative to ads.

We really don't want to annoy you with the ads and are doing our best to ensure that diet/weightloss related adverts aren't shown - again, this is going to take a bit of tinkering with the ad settings and once in a while if something of this nature should get through please do let us know and we'll endeavour to filter it out. We aren't here to promote the diet industry, indeed we intend to take it on and show people that you don't need to buy expensive meal replacements, potions and lotions to look and feel great!

If you're not keen on the ads I know there are some great free adblockers available online so you don't need to see the ads. Please remember though that the ads help us to cover the cost of running this site, so if the ads don't bother you too much maybe you could just try to ignore them and in doing so help us to keep the site funded?

Eventually we hope to get sponsorships from relevant and interesting brands (which is generally less intrusive) but this is something which is more easily done for an established brand/site and as we're just starting out under the FastDay name it may be a little while before we can arrange this and remove the current ad system.

Meanwhile, we've set up a way to monitor the ads performance so we can work out in the coming weeks which ones are most productive and which we can potentially get rid of - so please do be patient with us while we run this experiment, it's quite likely that some of the ads will be moved or even removed.

Ultimately, FastDay is about the community and we want everyone to be happy and involved in decisions where possible. We'll always listen to feedback and experiment with what works for everyone in terms of covering our costs as well as providing a good experience for the community.

So, if you've got ideas for alternatives to the ads, possible membership schemes (we do have some thoughts for this and other facilities for members, again this is early days!), which ads you find interesting, which annoy you etc please post your feedback or drop me a line so I can discuss it with the FastDay team.

Please see this topic if you'd like to help us weed out the ads we don't want to be seeing here :)

Thanks to Caro for the handy tip she posted further down. It's so good I thought I'd add it here :)
Did you know that you can adjust the kinds of ads you see?

First, at the top right of each ad is a little x symbol. Click on that and you can choose not to see that ad again and also send feedback as to why you don't like it.
Second, next to the x is a little triangle, click on that and it takes you to a page where you can adjust your ad settings via google to opt out of certain types of ads.

Doing this will not only improve the ads you see on here but throughout the web.


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