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Another type of slim noodles?
25 Aug 2013, 18:51
Hiya peeps!
I finally found shiritaki noodles in Athens and I bought a few packets to give them a try.
They are different than they ones I buy from H&B. They are a tad thicker (I like that), they should be kept in the fridge and the info on the package says that they have 0 (ZERO) calories per pack. Not 7 like slim noodles, not 15 like slim rice. Can that be?
Not that it makes any difference but I want to be accurate with my calories counting on fast days. :cool:
I just found some yesterday and they are 16 cals/100g, I'm planning on trying them tomorrow but as I haven't tried any others I don't know how they compare.
Not sure how your noodles can be 0 cals as every food contains calories, is there any other nutritional info on the pack?
Everything is ZERO!!!

Never seen that before, but sounds odd, they must have some nutritional values, otherwise they'd just be water lol!
My thoughts exactly!!!
I think I'll calculate them like the other slim noodles.
I have some that are zero cals too. They are just starchy fiber from the yam plant. The ones with cals have soy in them here in the states.
I think that Zero calorie is just a phrase to describe this product. From what I have read on the net, this type of noodles contains around 6 to 10 calories. I bought a pack of these and at no place it was written as Zero Calories. On the pack it was printed zero fat, zero sugar, low calorie, and low carbohydrates. About the nutritional content, each pack contains 96% water and 4% glucomannan fibre.
I have some that are zero calories and if you learn to cook them right really good! I hate a fast day without them now!
Ah, I see, it's just the labelling being a bit creative, now I think about it diet coke which sans it's 0 calories all over it actually has some too so I'm not surprised.

I really enjoyed my zero noodles yesterday, I think I may well always use them in place of regular noodles as I think I actually prefer them, and now that they are available in the chinese supermarket down the road from me it seems silly to buy anything else!
Mine aren't labelled zero noodles but konjaku (or similar) noodles. And all numbers in the nutrition fact chart is zero.
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