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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Calories in.......?
01 Jan 2014, 18:36
The title would have been too long if I wrote the whole question so here I go :

Tomorrow will be a low carb fast and I plan to change a bit from the usual soups so I plan for steam cauliflower and carrots with lean chicken breast cooked in the microwave with lemon juice on the meat because it helps the meat to have a nice taste and color.

I think the whole dish should go around 200 calories, (24cal for the carrots, 28 cal for the cauli and 140cal for 100g chicken breast) so how many cal add the lemon juice ?

Thanks :like:
Re: Calories in.......?
01 Jan 2014, 18:41
There are lots of sites that tell you how mny calories are in foods, I use my fitness pal. A whole lemon has 17 calories and one cup of lemon juice has 61 calories - so it depends on how much of the lemon you're adding and whether you're just using the juice or including some pulp

Good luck
Re: Calories in.......?
01 Jan 2014, 18:47
Do you have ground ginger, cumin and garlic? You are dangerously close to a tagine (prseerved lemons, and saffron too). Just fry those onions in plenty of oil. You need the calories!
Re: Calories in.......?
01 Jan 2014, 18:57
:heart: @Manderley I use the recipe counter offer that @carorees posted on this site some time ago, as you know i cant do links yet but someone else could maybe, says that for 15 ml lemon juice = 4 calories. But
100 grams chicken = 164 calories on this site coz I assume some variation, I use this site regular not always as recipe builder but as fastday count for all day :heart:
Re: Calories in.......?
01 Jan 2014, 19:30
My answer would be-Not enough to matter!
Re: Calories in.......?
01 Jan 2014, 21:19
Yes Manderley I think you can afford to cut loose a bit, and not worry too much about going over your TDEE :bugeyes: :wink:
Re: Calories in.......?
01 Jan 2014, 22:09
I agree with the others, you don't need to worry about the calories in lemon juice, I never count calories for herbs and spices!
Re: Calories in.......?
02 Jan 2014, 08:12
I am a kind of a control freak and need to know EVERYTHING so all the calories. And it's even worse, these days. The trouble is to recognize the carbs, I constantly have the list of fruits and vegs low in carbs with me to know which ones are "allowed" on a fast day, as the carbs are my biggest addiction

The tajine is a good idea, rawkaren, I don't have the ground ginger and cumin but as I have some shopping to do this morning :wink:
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