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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Can I eat sushi?
27 Jan 2014, 13:31
I am going away this afternoon with work and its a fast day today. Not planning on stopping for dinner anywhere so I am trying to think of a backup food option to buy at the train station and eat on the train.

Thought of sushi as it will last and I can eat it a bit later - it's also low in calories and will fill me up but it has rice in it = carbs and worried about this now.

Am I OK as long as I keep in 500 calories?

Re: Can I eat sushi?
27 Jan 2014, 13:37
Yes, would be the quick answer!
Re: Can I eat sushi?
27 Jan 2014, 13:39
:heart: Yes Lu Lula absolutely anything goes just stick with your 500cals if you want to reduce your carbs do it on days that you can easily just for now. :heart:
Re: Can I eat sushi?
27 Jan 2014, 13:50
Yes, in theory you can eat anything so long as you don't exceed the 500.
However most of us tend to eat low, or no carbs on fast days, simply because carbs use up alot of your 500 and so you can end up not feeling as full, so I'd recommend instead lots of vegetables and some protein.
However if you are buying at a train station today, your options are fairly limited, and I'd go with buying whatever you fancy and know you could be a bit hungrier than usual, and next time to have something planned?
This probably won't work for you today, but one of my stand-bys is pretty basic, and almost embarrassing and is just chopped up cucumber, pepper, tomato, celery (basically whatever is in the fridge) with a tin of mackerel fillets with spicy tomato sauce. It's quick, but not so elegant to eat in public! Take a plastic bag for the empty can...
Re: Can I eat sushi?
27 Jan 2014, 13:55
Annurca wrote: This probably won't work for you today, but one of my stand-bys is pretty basic, and almost embarrassing and is just chopped up cucumber, pepper, tomato, celery (basically whatever is in the fridge) with a tin of mackerel fillets with spicy tomato sauce. It's quick, but not so elegant to eat in public! Take a plastic bag for the empty can...

That sounds lovelt but I don't think I would be very popular if I ate that on a train!

I was originally thinking that we would be stopping for dinner with colleagues and so I had planned a grilled chicken or fish salad for dinner but it sounds like everyone else isn't that interested in dinner so am in need of a back up plan!

I knew I should have pre prepared a 500 cal lunch and gone that way but at least I'll know for next time.

I think the sushi will keep me filled up for a while but I will probably get some veg/ fruit to eat to bulk it up a bit later.

Thanks all!
Re: Can I eat sushi?
27 Jan 2014, 14:01
Given the particular circumstances you describe, sushi fits the bill perfectly.
I think there is a danger on getting so hung up on the 'max 500 cals', that reality passes us by.
Enjoy the sushi.
Re: Can I eat sushi?
27 Jan 2014, 15:09
Ah yes, I missed that you were actually eating on the train. Yes, mackerel can be a bit smelly
Enjoy the sushi!
Re: Can I eat sushi?
29 Jan 2014, 09:28
Well, after all that there was a change of plan anyway! We agreed to have something to eat at Kings Cross station and I persuaded everyone to go to Prezzo as they do lighter versions of pizza and pasta. Ended up having a lighter spaghetti dish with a side salad and it was lovely - and plenty of food for me!
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