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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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The simplest soup of all is using frozen pre-prepared vegetables - either ones that you have previously chopped yourself, or bought all ready to go.
Per person/portion
100g chopped veg (e.g. soup mix of carrot, swede, turnip, leek, cauliflower; or for oriental style use a stri-fry selection like red pepper, mange tout, baby corn, bamboo shoots, beansprouts, mushroom)
250ml water
1 tsp bouillon powder (Marigold is my preference) or stock cube.
Bring to boil and simmer 10 minutes.
Stick blender is the really easy way to get this to a nice chunky texture, really worth having one for making soups (unless you get one of the soup makers).
That's it.
For an oriental style soup, I add half a tsp of red thai curry paste along with the bouillon powder, and pour in some light coconut milk before serving.

This is so easy that we have it often on a fast day, before our main course.

You will find this and other soup recipes in my new book, 5:2 Healthy Eating for Life, which you can preview or download a sample of on Amazon (that includes all the soups I think!).
Just checking you are still alive @BreadandWine after all those out of date split peas! Reassuring that you can use old food stuff and still get away with it. I think we throw too much food away too readily don't you?!

Anyway, thanks for all the wonderful soup ideas. Now I need to ponder over whether to buy the soup maker. It does sound as though it would make my life easier...hmmm

Bean :confused:
Perfectly fine, thanks, Bean!

Quite agree! If it looks OK, and smells OK, I'll eat it! I just hate waste. I used the ribs of a cauli in the soup I made on Monday - they're full of flavour!

Thanks for starting this thread - I've picked up some good ideas from it.

Cheers, B&W

I loved the 'use a potato masher' response and totally agree as it is that simple. Would only need to do a few mashes and you would get the effect of some thickening and some chunks depending on how long you cooked in a saucepan or blitzed in microwave.

Soups rock, go for it :grin:
I bought a soup maker, hubby wasn't amused. It's(Tefal brand) now in its second year and hubby thinks its the best gadget in the world. Have made many a soup with the booklet that came with it and have also made many a 5:2 soup recipe mainly from a Kate Harrison 5:2 cookbook. All come out well. Can vary the soup from smooth to chunky and also make boognaise sauce and othe things with it.Takes 25-30 minutes from start to finish. Hubby even makes soup. Discovered Ruby Soup and so did my co workers,as I took it to work and made the soup there; all wanted the recipe. Well worth the money. Just coming out of our winter now. I too don't peel the vegies, not even the pumpkin. Tastes devine the pumpkin soup with the skin on. Blends wel tool.
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