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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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In need of super quick ideas!!
02 Feb 2014, 09:41
I hate doing long involved cooking, i mean loath most of the time, I don't see the point in having to do a but load of work for not a heck of a lot! But on that note I do cook, and I am in need of some recipes for my up coming fast day (tomorrow!) nothing involving me being in the kitchen all day and preferably not just veg, I like my potatoes, carrots, peas etc, but I really don't want the whole of my meal to consist of veg, it's just not me!

Sorry if this entire post is grumpy by the way, only had one cup of tea and it's "that time" which means i tend to be grouch-zilla! lol,

so in a more friendly tone, can you guys recommend anything that isn't just veg based and doesn't take an age to make?!
Ive had a quick look at the Harry Dieters' book on my Kindle. They seem to have pretty simple meals, that would be quick to cook. A lot of people on here have recommended them too.

As for me, I usually have M&S ready meals and the Fuller Longer range are high in protein to, er, keep you fuller longer! :confused:

What about something really simply like 2-egg omelette with bacon (I had it last week and it was deeelish!). I also had sprouts and other veg around the plate. Easy, quick...and very tasty!

Bean :bowl:
hmm, think i'll have to have a look at them, mum did lend me the book but it's sitting in the back of a cupboard atm, will go hunt it out! :)

I have seen a lot of folks saying the M&S range is a good one to try, shame the nearest M&S to me is about 2 hour bus ride away! lol, would the WW range be a good substitute?

omelette sounds good,what type of bacon did ya have, was it normal bacon or that medallion bacon you can get? Could have that with some peas mixed in!
I go for a low calorie protein, about 4oz of it. A small chicken breast or a tin of tuna and have either salad or stir fry with it for convienience. All of the ingredients can be bought ready prepared from the supermarket. I ditched all carbs on a fast day as they used to make me so hungry after I had eaten. I now just liquid fast on a fast day, just having my splashes of milk in my tea through the whole day. But, I am an old hand at this.
I'm like you, don't want to spend ages cooking on a fast day! I find that a pre-packed bag of stir-fry from Tesco (about £1) makes a nice meal with either prawns or chicken added (and some spices/ light soy sauce for flavour). Takes about 3 minutes to cook.
Last week when fasting I made a batch of Mexican Bean Soup (more like a stew really) which serves 4. Ate one portion and put the other 3 portions into the freezer. Taken one out this morning for tonight's dinner so I don't have to cook. Really tasty, quick to make and filling too. As a vegetarian I find I need some beans, lentils etc to add some bulk instead of just veges.
had the Tesco Healthy Living Prawn Tom Yum or something like that on my last fast day for evening meal - only 227 calories and very tasty! Hubby had the same range but chicken chow mein which was 330 I think.
Sorry @Dragonsheart but I got way laid (is that how you write it?!). Er, I used two rashers of back bacon (with fat on) having worked out the calorific value via MFP.

Hope it's going ok...tried those Hairies yet?!

Bean :starving:
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