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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Raw Diet Once a Week?
22 Sep 2015, 00:14
hello everyone,
I am hearing good things about eating raw, so I'm thinking about doing it once a week. Any advice or suggestions? Any recipes or recipe sites? I would love to hear from anyone who is/was eating raw. thanks
Re: Raw Diet Once a Week?
22 Sep 2015, 16:24
@Rawkaren might be able to offer you some tips! I eat a lot of raw food but mostly because I'm too lazy to cook and live on salad and dips!
Re: Raw Diet Once a Week?
23 Sep 2015, 17:09
I am a vegan and eat raw food sometimes, especially on fast days, though not x times per week. I make different bean dips and vegebles to dip in or vegetable spaghetti with walnut and tomato bolognaise is another favourite, I also regularly make raw soups but you need a thernmomix or high speed blender to do that. l always have some kind of raw dessert in the fridge like advocado chocolate pie or freezer fudge. I find recipes online mostly on vegan food sites, I'll try and find a couple of links later!
Re: Raw Diet Once a Week?
26 Sep 2015, 07:56
@dazzlecat2. I do well on raw foods even though the regime is often criticized for its high carb content and lack of protein. But I think phytonutrients in many colours can only be a good thing! I'm not fasting at the moment but when I do, I often make it a raw food day as you get alot of volume for your calories and once in a while I think it does the body good to have a rest from protein. Just make sure you stay away from sweet fruits as you can overdo it. Don't forget that some veg such as carrots and tomatoes provide better nutrient content when cooked, so mix it up a bit. There are some great blogs around with ideas for dishes. I like to make a veggie lasagne using courgettes as the pasta (slice on a mandolin), and fill with chopped tomatoes, mushrooms and other lovely veg. ... gZPRCBVikp
Re: Raw Diet Once a Week?
26 Sep 2015, 13:07
Dazzlecat2 wrote: hello everyone,
I am hearing good things about eating raw, so I'm thinking about doing it once a week. Any advice or suggestions? Any recipes or recipe sites? I would love to hear from anyone who is/was eating raw. thanks

I drinking fresh mix of fruits and vegetables smoothies at home specially in breakfast. My recipes: Carrots, cucumber, apple and celery. Blend it, you can add little bit of honey or sugar to taste. It taste so good. It will take time for me to eat all those so I blend it. I hope it helps.
Re: Raw Diet Once a Week?
26 Sep 2015, 22:38
I don't do this but admire those who do!
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