The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Re: Reluctant cooks
05 Nov 2013, 23:13
Nigel's first book was 'Real Fast Food' but that was 1991! So Jamie is really reinventing the concept :grin: i like Nigel's approach much better. It's not all recipes either with him, there is a lot of good stuff about food in general to pick up on, and he is always ahead of the game, but not shouting about it from the roof tops.
Re: Reluctant cooks
06 Nov 2013, 01:12
I found this the other day. ... 000001016/

I first tried cod topped with thyme and fennel greens since I had them in the garden (the veg not the cod :oops: ). On top of the fish, I had julienned carrots,onions,and sweet peppers. Wrap in the parchment paper, 400 degree C for 15 min. Let sit for 5. Wonderful.

On the link there are recipes. I did the red curry chicken in foil using asparagus, onion, sweet peppers. Excellent.

Clean up is easy, toss the paper or foil when done.

I froze the extra coconut milk in 1/4 c amounts in a muffin pan then moved to a zip lock when frozen. The extra curry paste can be frozen in a zip lock too.

Made the red curry tonight with shrimp instead of chicken. Served it over lentils.
Re: Reluctant cooks
06 Nov 2013, 07:55
Another great idea, thanks JM53. The rather insistent adverts on that website would drive me crackers, so might try and find another resource. But definitely want to try it. Love the idea of no washing up after! :)
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