Ermmm... yes, I have one *very embarrassed emoticon*. Accidentally, honest.
I was needing a good blender to make green smoothies and what should I find in my local charity store (just last week) but a big black Cuisinart thing that looked like a blender, for £15. Mine.
Hefted it home and discovered that it was a soup-maker (SSB1U). Oops. But it has been great! Seems to work pretty well as a blender and works a treat as a soup-maker. It ain't cheap new though - £129 on Amazon.
You need to look out for the volume that the soup-maker handles as some aren't much good for more than two or three decent servings (mine does 1.4L of soup (1.7L blend), for example, which I reckon is good for three healthy main course soups, or four starters).
Make sure it has a decent stir function - that way you're less likely to burn stuff. I also prefer a glass jug because a) I can see what's happening (unlike with the steel ones) and b) plastic tends to go manky after a while.
And look out for complaints about cleaning / sliced fingers whilst cleaning: if you don't abuse it when cooking, and 'follow the instructions' there shouldn't be a problem.
I've found that on Amazon, as a generality, electrical goods usually get around 10% bad reviews: anything more should ring alarum bells.
Edit: I've just had another snoop on Amazon - the Cuisinart looks remarkably like the Waring WSM1U (*exactly* the same functions etc.) and the latter is about a tenner cheaper.