The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

21 posts Page 2 of 2
Re: My 5:2 method
04 Jun 2013, 12:14
That is such a good loss Jeremy and good to hear from you again. Well done, congratulations etc
Re: My 5:2 method
04 Jun 2013, 12:38
Cheers Jane. I've not been here much, but thought I'd log my latest weight on the tracker (which is handy) and thought I'd note it here too in case it gives someone else some inspiration to do take up fasting.

I'm expecting that by carrying on with it long term will prevent the weight coming back but we shall see as I also stopped smoking last week and often this triggers more weight (hence the cycling).

It's good to feel good!
Re: My 5:2 method
04 Jun 2013, 12:41
Oh WOW- stopped smoking as well! :star:
Elevated to health God status
that is brilliant :like: :star: :victory:
Re: My 5:2 method
04 Jun 2013, 12:51
I know, it's funny. I've always been a happy bod, and wasn't overly bothered that my weight crept up once I hit 40 but when I saw Dr M's programme, it hit home, especially as I was similar in build to him (maybe a tad fatter!) so I thought "I can do that", and here I am 10 months later having lost weight, stopped smoking (this time for good!) and started exercising.

The power of the fast... (though I call it grazing due to the boxes and it doesn't sound so drastic).

I originally posted in here as it was an idea I had been pursuing in case someone else thought it worth a try, but I've just noticed the blog area on here, which would have been a better place for this I guess.
Re: My 5:2 method
04 Jun 2013, 12:55
Anybody marketing such boxes in Australia?
Re: My 5:2 method
04 Jun 2013, 13:16
What a lovely lots of posts thank you so much for sharing your journey.
You have the solution in a nutshell, eat less and move more. Giving those fags the flick will be the best thing you have ever done.
Agree it is also wonderful moving around with less luggage, feels great at 9 kgs must be soooo mood at double that.
Well done you
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