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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Does anyone bake with Stevia?
17 Mar 2013, 15:48
Does anyone bake with Stevia?

Mr Keihira enjoys eating cakes (I'm more partial to savoury treats!), and I don't want to stop baking cakes, as they have a big part in his life!
However, sugar and butter aren't quite as welcome in my kitchen as they were before 5:2... I loooovve butter and I can't imagine not ever using it, but I want to be more selective.

With that in mind, I have just baked the Hairy Bakers Dieters' Moist Carrot & Sultana Cake... with a twist.

I replaced the soft brown sugar with ½ teaspoon of powdered Stevia and the sunflower oil with melted coconut oil.

The result is a light, moist cake, with a hint of coconut flavour.
Even better, the calorie count is now 196 instead of 239 per portion!

This has been a good first attempt and I will definitely experiment with other cake recipes. :like:
I don't use sweetners (I have a severe allergy to sunflowers so can't touch stevia as it's related to it) but I love to bake too, however I use normally half the recommended amount of sugar and dust the top with vanilla sugar and most people can't tell the difference. Also if you can use apple puree and banana they are a natural way to sweeten up the mixture. Even my mom who takes 3 sugars in her tea, still sticks my cakes in her mouth like she's possessed =) try that!

I also use half butter, half oil as i don't eat cake everyday so it's half way healthy =)
I only use sugar when baking, and I also halve the quantity listed in the recipe (particularly when following a US recipe!), but I really want to find a way to still enjoy making (and eating!) cakes, just healthier ones!
I know about apple purée and I'll try it in the same recipe.
Not so keen on banana, as the flavour tends to dominate.

I didn't know stevia was linked to sunflowers! :sidefrown:
What a bummer for you... :frown:
Ive read about stevia but never tried it. Can you get it in the uk now or do you have to import it?

Good ideas about just halving sugar. I made HB carrot cake as per recipe and loved it but will try halving sugar and maybe add vanilla essence until I track down Stevia.

Thanks for the tips.
vino wrote: Ive read about stevia but never tried it. Can you get it in the uk now or do you have to import it?

I bought a trial sample from HERE.
It is called Truvia in the UK and can be found in supermarkets by the sugar-well it is in Sainsburys anyway.
Thanks! Will hunt it down :-)
I've got a new found interest in baking since starting the 5:2 WOL. I made some delicious chocolate brownies using mayo rather than butter- it works! However, as we know the real enemy is sugar so i'd be interested in trying Truvia when i'm back in the UK (in Sicily). I've also tried Agave Nectar in porridge and tea...

found this link on sugar-free baking:
I've used Truvia for cooking in a few things, the carrier is very low GI is another product but its carrier is a bit more carby / higher GI
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