Weighed today and lost another lb! I know this does not sound a lot but I lost loads last week and I honestly thought it was much too good to be true, and was expecting a gain or at most a stall in loss. I am 12stone something, hooray, (o.k. the something is 13) but this is the first time in a long time that I have gone under 13, so I am very happy. My 5th fast was yesterday and was finding it a bit of a struggle until my new lodger from Nigeria who recently arrived in Scotland to do a ph. d. in aquaculture asked me to go shopping with her to buy some warm clothes,( poor thing, she 's only been here a couple of weeks) and finding the weather difficult. Anyway it was a great distraction and we didn't get back home until evening, so I was able to break my fast at 7p.m. with homemade chicken casserole with lots of veg.and herbs. It was really good and so comforting, real winter food, and normally I would have (at least) a couple of servings, but waited 20 mins. for the "fullness factor" to kick in and it did.. Glass of oatly drink before bed and no tummy rumblings through the night.