The FastDay Forum

5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Just under 300 calories :geek:

Not yet cooked

It was very!!!

Picture of it all cooked

Looks pretty good!
How can you tell that someone is a cat person?
At first I read "Ginger toy salmon" and thought that you've got a ginger cat which plays with a salmon toy...
Must say, it looks yummy!!!
TML13 wrote: How can you tell that someone is a cat person?
At first I read "Ginger toy salmon" and thought that you've got a ginger cat which plays with a salmon toy...
Must say, it looks yummy!!!

LOL!!!! I do that all of the time....but then again I am owned by two cats :wink:
Haa haaaaa! Good to see I'm not alone! I'm owned by one black cat and adopted by several others.
I am limited to two by hubby!!!! One tabby and white male and one tabby girl x
Aaaawwwwwwwwww!!! So cute!!! Purrrrrfect!!!
Hehe and they are totally in love with each other even though there is about 10 years difference between them! Always cuddling up together or cleaning each other :-)
You're lucky! Sometimes kitties don't get along and give their humans a hard time.
I know....I am lucky that he is a very relaxed laid back cat, this is his third female companion he has had, and she totally loves him!
Oh my! He sounds like a proper lover boy, LOL!
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