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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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New discovery! 10 cal desert!!
27 Mar 2013, 09:49
My husband and I are about 4 weeks into our fasting. We do Monday and Wednesday and pretty much stick to the cal limit.

However, on Monday this week OH had a craving for some kind of desert after our salad dinner. He totally caved and we ended up eating some Angel Delight with skimmed milk. So, we went over our limits by about 70 cals and I certainly felt totally guilty.

However, it started us looking at options for a low cal sweet treat so that we dont fall into the same trap again.

And we found 10 cal Jelly!!! Hartleys Low Calorie Jelly

So, they are a exciting little surprise for this evening - who knows what they are going to taste like, but I am looking forward to finding out.
Yes, the do packets too.

Plus ala Hairy Bikers, buy geletatine make up with Sugar Free diet lemonade and lime squash, add a few berries, spoon on 1/2 fat creme fraishe and trifle for less than 50 cals!
I find them a little watery in consistency but nonetheless have a few in the fridge in case I'm gagging for a pudding. They're quite filling too which is good :)
boboff wrote: Yes, the do packets too.

Plus ala Hairy Bikers, buy geletatine make up with Sugar Free diet lemonade and lime squash, add a few berries, spoon on 1/2 fat creme fraishe and trifle for less than 50 cals!

Ohhhh... is that in Hairy Dieters? I have just ordered that today!
Moogie wrote: I find them a little watery in consistency but nonetheless have a few in the fridge in case I'm gagging for a pudding. They're quite filling too which is good :)

Yes, they did look a little more fluid than most jelly when I was unpacking them yesterday. Like you say though, good for a treat when you are craving something sweet.
I always keep a couple in the fridge too. Great for a fast day when you feel you just have to put something in your 10 cals no damage done!
Must dig out son's Hairy Bikers book. I keep hearing about the recipes. Did watch the series but I think theres more stuff in the book isn't there? People on here seem to rave about it.

I use the Hartleys Low Cal Jelly but the sachets. You need to watch the pots as they do 2 sorts and only one is low sugar. Both say low fat so you need to check the calories. I like the sachets as I make it a bit stronger for more taste but the pots are useful if you need to put it in a packed lunch as you get the foil seal so less risk of spillage.
Check out Lidl Yogurts too, they are doing a set 0.2% fat yogurt 38 cals a pot, as opposed to the same fat fruit ones at 140, not tasted yet, but seems good to me, I think they were £1.09 for 8, which is cheaper than buying the jelly pots.
I bought two of these jelly sachets - surely at 10 cals they're amazing if you want something sweet?

Are the sugar free sachets a better option?
12 blueberries = 10 calories. I know what I would rather eat!!
tomtank wrote: 12 blueberries = 10 calories. I know what I would rather eat!!

I adore fresh fruit. But doesn't quite fare the same to replacing chocolate as something like jelly does. For me, that is.
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