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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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My Recipes
11 Jan 2013, 18:16
I blog my 'successful' 5:2 diet recipes, it seems to help me keep my mind off fast day hunger pangs!

My favourite so far has been sole veronique and the coriander and lemon chicken.
Re: My Recipes
12 Jan 2013, 21:34
Super blog!!! i've bookmarked it and think you have some stunning recipes there defnate food for thought - yum! so thank you sincerely for sharing
Re: My Recipes
13 Jan 2013, 05:52
Nothing to do with me, but this site is very good for low calorie recipes:

You can follow the lady behind it on Twitter also.
Re: My Recipes
13 Jan 2013, 13:57
I'm trying to stick to things which make sense on 5:2 diet fast days - rather than skinny versions which you still can't eat and, including a little meal planning (in my case for lunch and supper as I never eat breakfast)

Low fat isn't always low calorie, so be a little careful with the skinnytaste an example, the low fat chocolate chip cookies are 163 calories per cookie.

The other food bloggers I'm friends with and I are pinning the recipes we make on Karen's Pinterest board Click twice to see the recipes from the pictures. (we are all on twitter too; I'm @fionamaclean do come and say hello!

Having said that, we are all just doing this for ourselves so some of the recipes might not be to your taste! Karen meal plans around 3 meals a day while jac is veggie - so we all have a slightly different approach
Re: My Recipes
16 Jan 2013, 17:48
When I try and print the recipes it comes out in a tiny font. Any idea how to make it bigger. I have been copying and pasting into a word document but don't think that should be necessary
Re: My Recipes
18 Jan 2013, 18:40
I'll check next time I'm up by the printer. The recipes use a bit of software and I know the guy who developed it, so if I can't work it out for myself I'll ask him! Meanwhile, thanks for the feedback:)
Re: My Recipes
19 Jan 2013, 14:53
Brilliant to get some meal ideas. Love the Pinterest page.

Thank you so much :)

Re: My Recipes
27 Jan 2013, 16:56
Have been looking at your recipes on Pinterest, thanks for posting
Re: My Recipes
17 Feb 2013, 09:37
If anyone is interested, I also blog about my food intake - menu plans both for my fast days and my feast days. The blog includes links to recipes as well. I'd love to see you there if you fancy popping over.
Re: My Recipes
20 Feb 2013, 08:55
You have some great things on your blog eclectic gal, and I think the pinterest board is a great idea! Lavender and Lovage is a super resource too. All bookmarked along with Fat Dormouses page. It's so nice that everyone is into sharing their ideas to help make this lifestyle successful.

I recently started my own blog,, Focus on Flavour, 5:2 Healthy Eating for Life, where I include my meal plan for the week, recipes and info. Do come over and take a look! it's very much a work in progress, but new stuff being added frequently.
Re: My Recipes
13 Apr 2013, 08:25
I love your recipes. I've been stumbling them for you - so I hope you get a bit of traffic from that.

I blog my recipes too,
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