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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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I was dismayed to see that my App has them down at 3 calls per cup.
I always thought they were calorie free - strictly counting on Fast Days this can make some difference.
I drink heaps of herbal teas.
Hi Marie2mil,

I log black coffee/tea/herbal tea in my fitness pal app but given that I will on average have 2-3 drinks per day it comes to approx 10 cal all up.

If you add sugar/honey you will have to add the sweetener calories as they will contribute to daily calories in a significant way.

You mention that you have "heaps" log how many and see how much you are actually consuming.

Knowledge is power.
Yep, I do, even though they're so low, but that's because I'm just trying to learn exactly how much I eat because I think I was kidding myself before I started 5:2. :confused:
I agree with TheFrog...
No I don't. I always assumed black tea was calorie free!
No, no, no. I don't want to become obsessed. I also don't count the milk in drinks either as I usually only have it in a couple of drinks on fast days.
I'm the same as Bellalou, I don't count calories. After years of traditional diets and being obsessive about food and it's calorie content, it's so nice to finally feel relaxed around food again.
Re the herbal teas, I drink loads of Green tea with lemon on fast days, but don't worry about the few calories in those. I'm sure if we're 20 or 30 calories over or under, it's not going to make much of a difference.
I count milk in tea, so I hardly ever drink it on fast days! Never count green or herb teas, or water with lemon. I've only lost 8lbs in nearly 4 months, but that's at least partly because I wasn't overweight to begin with.
I count the milk in tea as 20 per cup - can soon add up when you've only got 500 cals to play with.
I have to say I'm with Bellalou and Evie on this one. I don't count the cals in my fast day drinks - I only have black coffee, peppermint tea or tea with a splash of milk. But I enjoy not calorie counting and although I'll double check my 500 food for fast days, as Evie says, if I'm a few cals under or over I won't worry. Not being obsessed with calories is my new WOL!!!
Whew, I'm glad most of you don't! I was relying on my peppermint tea to stop the tummy rumbles when I do my first ever fast day tomorrow!
lisamccann wrote: I count milk in tea, so I hardly ever drink it on fast days! Never count green or herb teas, or water with lemon. I've only lost 8lbs in nearly 4 months, but that's at least partly because I wasn't overweight to begin with.

Calculate that as a % of your body weight and I bet it's similar to those of us who've lost more but started off heavier.

I don't count milk, though I probably should as I drink a lot of tea. I wouldn't count herbal tea ever.
Nope, i don't count them :smile:
Unsweetened almond milk adds only a couple of calories per tbsp. I add it to chai tea and feel like I'm getting a nice creamy treat. I usually drink tea and coffee plain. I have been dieting forever...but just started the 5:2 diet on Friday.
I don't count calories at all, not on any day and, even at my most obsessive, certainly wouldn't have counted those that were in my black tea! Like Bellalou this WOE, for me, means never having to count & record a calorie ever again!
I definitely don't count calories in tea, black coffee or herbal teas. Would definitely feel way too obsessive if I did. Sometimes I accidentally put cream in my coffee on fast day mornings(my normal way of drinking it), and usually won't even count that. Although when that happens, I'll try to cutback somewhere else.
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