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5:2 Cookery Discussion, Tips & Ideas

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Low cal sweets to suck on
11 Apr 2013, 17:03
Do these exist? They would be nice to have for fasts :like:
Re: Low cal sweets to suck on
11 Apr 2013, 17:08
I bought some for 'emergencies' before starting-I think they are about 16 calories per sweet-but I haven't actually opened the packets yet, 7 weeks in. I got mine in the local Garden Centre
Re: Low cal sweets to suck on
11 Apr 2013, 21:17
I have them - good standby for a sweet snack but don't have too many as they can have a laxative effect (seriously!). I like Ricola sugar free herbal sweets (6 cals per sweet) - Sainsbury and Asda stock them, or Werther's original sugar free candy also nice.
Re: Low cal sweets to suck on
11 Apr 2013, 21:38
We've got plenty in Greece so I guess that there will be more in the UK.
Re: Low cal sweets to suck on
11 Apr 2013, 21:52
Aldi do some butterscotch ones about 9 calories per sweet I think. Nice with coffee.
Re: Low cal sweets to suck on
15 Apr 2013, 15:06
Peppersmith do a range of gums, mints and sweets at less than two calories each. I love the lemon mints myself, but there are other flavours too.
Re: Low cal sweets to suck on
15 Apr 2013, 15:17
TML13 wrote: We've got plenty in Greece so I guess that there will be more in the UK.

The selection of sugar-free sweets in Europe compared to the UK is MAHOOSIVE! I travel to Italy a couple of times a year and stock up whilst I'm there. There really isn't much of a selection here. :bigfrown:
Re: Low cal sweets to suck on
24 Apr 2013, 19:12
I just found this thread :)Is there any problem with these sweets making you feel hungry in the way that Diet Coke etc is meant to do?
Re: Low cal sweets to suck on
24 Apr 2013, 19:21
Don't know .My emergency low cal sweets are still unopened.Just knowing they are there seems to work.
Re: Low cal sweets to suck on
25 Apr 2013, 01:50
I don't have a problem with the peppersmith ones making me hungry, but it's probably different for different people.
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